Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday Morning

If there is a Hell, these guys are certainly going there: Seriously, who robs a guy of church money?

Assaults, robberies, arson and cuttings in the Blotter. Just another day in the greatest jurisdictions in America...

Since it'll be a crime issue soon enough: Senator Ulysses Currie allegedly used his power for the benefit of Shoppers, a company he worked for on the side.

More to come...


  1. Dang. I was married at St. Pius. That is not exactly a dark alley, not even secluded. If Channel 2 dosen't at least get some video then they are just too lazy.

  2. Hocojoe, I think you just made the comment of the day. They've done a lot of work there in the past few years - remember when the Caldor was across the street from there?

  3. Many readers may not know this, and probably even more small business owners don't: Once that Dunbar Armored driver signs for the money and has it in her/his hand, your money is fully insured. So, the church is not out the money.

    I see many small business owners walking out the door of their establishments with their fancy bank bags, for all to see, and walking to the bank--usually by themselves. If you don't take in much cash, it's probably not worth using an armored car service, but many small business owners take in a lot of cash and don't consider their risks for the realatively small amounts they would have to pay Dunbar.

  4. Cynic,

    What about Stewarts who pre-dated Caldor. I remember my mother being excited that Caldor was going into the space.


    When I worked retail we always put the deposit bag in a backpack/grocery/lunch bag, and we mixed it up as to which bag we used. The idea of a business owner walking down the street with one in the open just boggles my mind. But then people leave their cars unlocked on city streets.

  5. Geezer columnist Bob Novak was issued a citation for failure to yield after striking a pedestrian at 18th and K Streets in DC. What insurance company in their right mind would cover a 77 year old Corvette driver?

  6. I'd rather rob church money than a private business money.

  7. yeah, I never understood the "what kind of asshole would steal from a [i]church[/i]" exasperation either. They hawk voodoo mumbo jumbo to desperate ignorant people and take their money to repeat the cycle, dressing themselves in gilt in the meantime...seems like church money is better for the taking than most. Right up there with stealing from heroin dealers, matter of fact.

    re: Bob Novak...77 years old? I wonder how long it takes him to get into that Corvette?

  8. I'm no fan of Catholicism or religion in general, but comparing the church to heroin dealers is a little over the top. It's not like you have priests doing drive-by shootings when altar boys snitch on them...

  9. When I think of Prince's "Little Red Corvette" I think of Bob Novak.

  10. looks like Bob Novak's almost-hit-and-run was worse than first reported:


  11. I used to use my Wachovia bank bag as a catch-all in my bigger tote bag. One day I was in the Southside shopping center and a guy came up and told me he wanted "what's in the bank bag." I said "Sure, here you go." and handed him two Always pads and a lip gloss...and then drove away.

    I don't think he was expecting that, and he seemed a bit disappointed.
