Tuesday, July 22, 2008


A bomb squad was called in to UM Baltimore BioPark this morning.
(Thanks Lucid)


  1. The Sun has it.

  2. This isn't Baltimore related, but I was so happy to see that Radovan Karadzic was caught yesterday. That fucker deserves to be hung, drawn & quartered, and have his remains thrown into a septic tank. It's a pity the worst thing he was to fear is a cushy jail cell at the Hague because the Europeans lack the balls to execute people anymore.

  3. Thanks Stephen. Here's the link directly to the Sun (I'm at Panera who blocks tinyurl):

    click here

  4. ooh, we "scooped" the Sun by 25 minutes!
    Double thanks Lucid!

  5. Panera blocks tinyurl? Seriously? Why would that be?

  6. Some orgs block tinyurl because you don't get redirected until after you send the request to tinyurl. In other words, people can't "see" the the URL of the link in their status bar before actually clicking on it.

    This means someone could use tinyurl to encode porn or other NSFW links.

    Generally, the ONLY reason to use tinyurl would be if you must enter a raw URL without the benefit of an <a> tag. I think the authors here should avoid it.

  7. it claims to keep links from expiring and I'm trying to preserve the Sun stories.

  8. A few places are just weird like that mjb (because obviously I am at Panera trying to browse porn). You could always just put 2 links - one to the original site and one tinyurl link - but its probably normally sufficient to just do the tinyurl if you want. I'm just at Panera today because if I have to spend another day in the library I will lose my mind. Plus there are bagels here.

  9. And also, obviously, I put up the link because the world revolves around me and my location for accessing the internets. ;)

  10. PS Technically its the University of Maryland - Baltimore BioPark (not UMB City Biopark). But that's just splitting hairs.

  11. I'm just technotarded and don't know how to write in html

  12. Me too. Google html code link generator and there'll be websites that do it for you. All you have to do is paste in the url and hit "generate code."

  13. Random thought

    Welcome to the Hotel Baltimoreee
    Its such a ugly place, such a ugly faaccceee
    The dealers are welcomed anyime but you may never leaveee
    Welcome to the Hotel Baltimoreeee
