Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A man was shot to death at about 3 p.m. yesterday in the 4100 block of Barrington Avenue in the NW.

... and another man was shot to death last night on the West side.

The Ink's Christopher Skokna found murders previously unreported

"Low pay, chaos following [David W. McGuinn]'s stabbing cited in bid to preclude capital punishment"

Blotter: a lot of crappy cars stolen

Media Blabber: The Sun will launch a redesign August 24.


  1. nupe. I'm on deadline with a project and don't have time to read the papers today (or really, any day for the next month or two) like I usually would, so thanks for that

  2. Who the hell's this Skokna fella? What the hell is this city coming to? First I bail, then MJB gets whacked with a deadline, then the lovely Ms. Ditkoff (no lovelier than MJB, of course, but far lovelier than yours truly) disappears? I tell you, if this nonsense continues, I'll... I'll... uh, I'll get snarky. And outrageous.

    Well, welcome, Christopher, whoever you are. But I've got my eye on you. One slip-up and BAM! I'm firing off a whiny email to Anna.

  3. I think Anna Ditkoff was on the Ed Norris show today, so presumably she's still in the murder reporting business.
