Thursday, October 16, 2008

Have you seen...

ScottSexAssaultParkRidelotBrian Tyrone Scott, 18, of the 800 block of Pontiac Avenue, 21225, wanted in the Timonium light rail kidnapping/ rape/ robbery case.


  1. Ok, here's a question for the collective minds of the Baltimore Crime Blog. Is it a bad idea to buy a rowhouse that's directly next to a strip club?

    In Fells Point there's a house right next to Chubbies that's for sale, and I was assured by a friend of mine who (supposedly) knows about this sort of thing that its location would make it significantly cheaper than other houses of comparable size & quality in the area. I find strip clubs to be mildly distasteful, however I wouldn't care if I lived next to one as long as the noise wasn't too bad. Is saving money by buying a house that's next to a titty bar a bad idea?

  2. Patin, you have to consider the other elements. Drunk people, possibly drugs, and who knows if something may break out at the club. There may be parking issues as well, you never know.

    I'd start by checking the BPD crime map along with spotcrime to see how crazy it gets around there - Fells Point can be tricky as well depending on how upper or lower it is, not to mention how to the east it is.

    Finally, keep in mind that it may be that cheap for a really good reason, beyond the house.*

    Of course, being able to describe your neighbor as "Sparkles" or "Candy cane" may be a jolly good time too.

    *I had to mention this, due to my own adventures with homebuying over the past two months - sorry...

  3. And hey, maybe there's a locals discount on lap dances.

  4. OMG, it's called CHUBBIES?! Really?!

    yes, it is a bad idea. "Free" is too expensive for having to listen to crappy music through the walls all night, followed by loud, drunken, wound-up horndogs hooting and hollering and peeing and puking and leaving cig butts on your steps. It will get very old very fast, and when it does, you'll have a hard time selling your place.

  5. Yep, Chubbies is located on the corner of Eastern Avenue & S. Washington Street. It seems like a pretty wholesome place as far as B'more strip clubs go, although I've ever been inside. The crowd there doesn't seem to cause any problems. I know that buying the place next door is probably a lousy idea though.

  6. Buying to live there might be bad, but buying to rent out to 20something males might be a good idea.

  7. Yeah, but what sane person would want to rent a house to a group of 20something males?

  8. That's true, a certain segment of the population might be stoked to live next to "Chubbies" but are those the kind of tenants you'd want to deal with?

    (geez I can't get over that name! Ick! If I ever buy a strip club, I'm calling it something tasteful, like "Pokey McBoner's")

  9. mjb:

    I'll take a picture of their "Chubbies: Grand Opening" sign tomorrow and post it for everyone's amusement.

  10. I lived a few blocks away from "Chubbies" for the past three years. I've never been inside, but the outside appearance seems to be relatively orderly as far as Fells goes. The club seems to skew to an older, blue collar crowd that also frequents the Colonial bar across the street. More on that.

    Fun fact: Chubbies has been around for at least three years. About 2 years ago, it changed names to "Spectrum" and became a gay strip club. About a year ago, it switched back to "Chubbies" and had it's "Grand Opening" as a "Gentleman's Club".

  11. Hmm, yeah, I first heard about Chubbies years ago - has it really only been 3 years?

  12. The strip club has been around since I was in Fells, but they had their "Grand Opening" as Chubbies a few months after I arrived.

    I also had no idea that the Colonial Inn had been raided in early September. That place looks nasty as hell, however the crowd always seemed harmless. If you're looking for a cheap bar in the area 1919 & Kelly's are better choices IMO. The Colonial Inn takes the whole dive thing a bit too far.

  13. Late Post, but----You guys are chattering about my hood.
    1. The houses next to chubbies have been up for sale for YEARS. I'm thinking about three years--possibly four. The crime isn't the biggest issue, it's the drunk idiots that are. With the Colonial Inn gone now, I suspect the annoying drunken idiots will be cut down by half. The colonial inn regs couldn't afford Chubbies prices.
    2. I have been inside when it was spectrum with a few of my Gay friends. It's a Nasty ass place--and I was there for just about a half an hour *shiver* .
    3. the UFPA has tried, in vain to get the owner (who also owns scores) shut down. No avail and he seems to circumvent the city at each turn.
    4. Funny(?) story: My husband was standing outside of CLH (great place to get hammered, BTW) and the bartender from the recently opened chubbies was talking outside. he starts talking about how he can "Smell" one of the girls and if he could "smell her" she needed to go. Well, my husband is listening to this...and thinking, "Your club just reopened and you want to try and get people to come're telling me stories about chicks that you can "smell" from the bar?!?!!?!?"
    That might give you a clear picture of what might frequent that joint. *double shiver*
