Thursday, October 16, 2008


As we're informed this Thursday that your lifespan may be shorter if you live in certain neighborhoods, we should be reminded that your life could end much much sooner in harm city.Take for instance, Rubin Nelson (#173), who died Tuesday night. Or Howard Grant (#171), and Justin Berry (#172), who were 18 and 19 respectively.

Oh, but don't worry. Those of you who make it to longer ages may have plenty of things to worry about as well.

Such as little dears who can't be controlled even in jail, and will one day be placed back into our society.

Or the people who should be in jail but aren't... and can't be bothered to even mow their lawn.

Or being shot at because of a beef, burgled, or having the hell beaten out of you for no apparent reason.

Or, if you're a prostitute, being beaten within an inch of your life by some jack the ripper fan. Or, alternatively, being the husband of a prostitute and having to deal with this crap.

All of this news makes me think of one thing:


  1. From the article about mandatory lawn mowing:

    What he was trying to say is that when new homeowners move into a community, they watch their neighbors to determine what behavior is acceptable and what is not.

    Do people hang their clothes outside to dry? How often to they weed their gardens? Does the house with the RV in the driveway stand out?

    It's a good thing I don't live in suburbia, me and my air-drying laundry would be public enemy #1.

  2. I live in suburbia and you can air dry your clothes and enjoy living in a cleaner, safer, and better smelling area with educated, caring people as your neighbors.

  3. Suburbia has its advantages (and this is coming from a diehard city resident.) Parts of it (i.e. Columbia) are utterly soulless and barren, but there are areas such as Catonsville that still have character and aren't dominated by homeowners association Nazis.

  4. You are not so wise. I live in the city and I live in a very clean, safe and pleasant smelling area (if you like sweet molasses) and have plenty of caring and educated neighbors. I can air dry my laundry to my heart's content too and don't have to worry about homeowners associations neither. And best of all, I don't have to mow a lawn.
