Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shootings, Stabbings and Homemade Bombs

Someone was shot last night in the back at around 11 p.m. while in a Lincoln Continental on York Road & Sheridan Avenue.

Howard Grant Jr. and Justin Berry, killed on Sunday, were thought to be murder witnesses by police; Grant had been shot in the leg days before.

Antonio Ferguson, aka Theodore Spencer, got 20 years + five years of probation for a double shooting that left one victim paralyzed from the chest down and another in a coma for six weeks.

The man accused in the rape of a TU student has been charged in a second case, and has probably lost his job at Banana Republic.
... What the?! "He actually committed one crime and left at that crime scene evidence from another crime scene."

CSA: Conspiracy to commit second-degree murder is a non-existent crime

A man stabbed in the upper body and two women robbed by "two males males between the ages of 10 and 15" in Charles Village in the Blotter

Like, duh: trying to clean up Belair-Edison is an "ordeal."

Mug shot of the day: 'Deener Wesley James Queen II, 34, charged with leaving threatening messages at Casa de Maryland.

An Essex man’s legal malpractice suit against The Suder Law Firm and one of its former attorneys went to the jury yesterday.

A Patterson High student has been arrested after homemade bombs went off in the cafeteria.

WBAL: Jacksonville residents crammed the courtroom for the start of the leaky-Exxon case


  1. "An Essex man’s legal malpractice suit against The Suder Law Firm and one of its former attorneys went to the jury yesterday."

    Oh I love love love love it when medical malpractice attorneys find themselves on the receiving end of a malpractice suit. Poetic justice :)

  2. For once I fully agree with the Court of Special Appeals when they toss out a conviction. I have never heard of such a thing as second-degree felony murder, I thought the whole point of the felony murder rule was that if you kill some one during the commission of a felony then it's murder in the first degree. Sounds like the jury was stupid for not convicting on the first degree charges.

  3. How long does it take a crime to hit the blotter? Yesterday (tuesday) morning, my friend who works at a bank next to Lexington Market, was grabbed by 2 men at Charles and Fayette, told that they knew who he was and made him hand over his bank keys, and then his normal keys and wallet after walking him to an alley near Howard and having him lie face down. Listening to him about how often they get robbed inside and outside that branch, i've yet to see anything but a random mention here and there.

  4. Randomevents, they can't go scaring all the lawyers and well-to-do business people by mentioning how prone that area is to robberies - you know that.

  5. QUOTE->In 2005, Murphy was convicted in Baltimore of first-degree burglary and sentenced to eight years in jail, with all but three months suspended, according to court records. In May 2006, he was found guilty of violating his probation and sentenced to five years in prison, records show. <--UNQUOTE

    How was this guy on the street if he was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 2006?

  6. Is there a reason for giving out massive jail time and then suspending it? Seriously, just give them the sentence you think they deserve and be done with it.
