Thursday, October 30, 2008

More on Christopher Clarke

Christopher Clarke's killers got 25 and 5 years, respectively. Here's an excerpt from an article by Jacques Kelly that appeared in the Sun in March of last year:
Christopher C. Clarke, a Patterson High School senior and athlete, was looking forward to becoming a Baltimore police officer. ... His mother, Anita Ann-Marie McDonald, said he had acceptances from several colleges but had decided to enroll at the Baltimore City Police Academy. He "had his eye on the prize," she said, echoing the comments of his teachers and others who knew him.

Instead, Mr. Clarke became a victim of Baltimore crime -- fatally shot March 13 on Cliftmont Avenue near his home in the Belair- Edison neighborhood, a bystander caught in the crossfire of apparent drug-turf violence. He was 18.

Mr. Clarke played on Patterson's football team and was an attackman on the lacrosse team. School officials said that this year's lacrosse season has been dedicated in his honor. He also played the saxophone, keyboard and drums in a Patterson jazz ensemble that performs several times a year.

"God gave him everything -- looks, talent and brains," said Ray Gagne, his music teacher. "You don't get any more hardworking than he was. They just don't come any better."
Tragic, tragic, tragic.

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