Friday, October 31, 2008


#179, Dontay Monroe, was "the baddest of the bad"

A mere six shootings this week, mapped by Spotcrime

Brothel case moved to circuit court (19 customers a day?!?!)

Remember that crazy HarfCo melee, where a crazed mob left a man in a wheelchair? An Edgewood teen, Shamere Germany, was convicted of 1st-degree assault.

Vocab word of the day: Espantoon

There's something you don't hear very often: "Parents applaud school's safety response"

What the?! Catholic priest fathers test-tube triplets, is accused of molesting two of them


  1. Maybe guys like Dontay Monroe should only count as 1/2 murders, since his death was obviously no loss for society.

  2. By that logic, we should get negative murders as well when real scumbags get what's coming to them...

  3. Well, I figure murder is a two-part crime. Part of it is against an individual, and the other part is against society. It hurts us all when someone is murdered, even if the person who was killed had no actual value. That's why I rate guys like Dontay Monroe as 1/2 murders. It still harms the city and undermines law & order in Baltimore, but the guy who was actually offed had no value.

  4. There are a lot people that weren't saints at 17 or 18, but turn into pretty great folks at a later time. Dontay Monroe may have made some bad choices but did he really deserve to die and was he worth nothing?

  5. Repeated arrests for drug dealing, attempted robbery and assault are not "bad choices", they are crimes.

  6. Last I checked we don't kill people for drug dealing, attempted robbery and assault. But maybe you would.

  7. "Last I checked we don't kill people for drug dealing, attempted robbery and assault. But maybe you would."

    A long rap-sheet shows that he made the decision to lead a hoodlum lifestyle. Does someone deserve to die just because of one assault conviction? No. However when it's clear that his life revolves around violence, theft and thuggery then yeah, he becomes worthless as far as I'm concerned. If he's dead then he can't mug/assault/murder me.
