Friday, December 12, 2008

Laugh so you don't cry?

Luke Broadwater somehow got that video of girls laughing as a man is shot, now it's hit YouTube and will no doubt soon show up on one of those Nancy Grace-ish cable tv shows. It is kind of weird.. why do you think the girls are laughing?

Four defendants were convicted in federal court this week under RICO, prosecutors say Bo, Rock, Weazy and Goo are responsible for five murders, drug trafficking, armed robberies and writing rap lyrics that threatened witnesses.

Report: Angelo Ford (#202) was killed trying to convince drug dealers to relocate

Youths attacked a homeless man
in the blotter

'Fat Eric' Brown, got 30 fat federal years yesterday in connection with the contract murder of Angelo Stringfellow, alleged Baltimore drug lord

Students robbed at a party on Lake Avenue

Yesterday evening, "Police in Baltimore County said an argument over a Play Station led to a 13-year-old boy stabbing his 16-year-old brother."

A Hopkins student mugged on 32nd street

Lots of the theft in the Northern
in the Messenger blotter

HoCo accused killer Antajuan Wilson on why he did it: "I've built my life on not lettin' nobody disrespect me"

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