Thursday, December 11, 2008

220, 221? 223?

"A man was shot last night on a street in the Ellwood Park-Monument neighborhood in East Baltimore and died later at a hospital."

A man was found shot in the head in Brooklyn, but there may be some question about the cause of his death

The Ink details seven homicides from Dec. 1 through 7, including Leroy Boxdale and Donnell Williams Jr., which I haven't seen reported anywhere else

Mayor horrified by video of carryout restaurant patrons laughing, stepping over shooting victim to get their food. More on the CJCC meeting from Anna Ditkoff

QTD: Bealefeld on violent offenders-- "These folks are not sitting at home contemplating stock futures"

Hermann du jour: "A mother says best thing she ever did was leave city"

The skateboarder of "Cop Vs. Skateboarder" fame is suing the city.

Have sex offender restrictions gone too far?

Like, duh
"City resident wonders if tow truck drivers are on the take"

Greg Kane is apparently the latest victim of the "gang initiation" urban legend e-mail forward


  1. FYI, the captioned incident in the Messenger's Crime Log this week was repeated around the corner at the Thai Restaurant on Greenmount a few days later. The reported incident on Barclay Street occurred a block west of that restaurant B&E.

    Oh, don't you just love the Holidays!

  2. With the Commissioner ordering known offenders with open warrants served so as to cut into the recent upswing in violent crime, does it make anyone else wonder what he was waiting for?

    I mean, what pray tell, is the correct number of valid warrants on repeat offenders to leave unserved ???

  3. "FYI, the captioned incident in the Messenger's Crime Log this week was repeated around the corner at the Thai Restaurant on Greenmount a few days later."

    Thai Restaurant was victimized? OMG, that should be a death-penalty offense! I love that place!

  4. I haven't heard about the Thai Restaurant break in. That sucks. It's really a great restaurant.

    Any chance the perpetrators were the same ones who were caught breaking into the Chinese restaurant on 33rd St., also right around the corner?


    I wrote about the Mayor's video session.

  6. Checked out your website, Mel. To sum it up as succinctly as you did about the situation in Zimbabwe: it's a waste of time.

  7. I know honest opinion does not compute to a lot of people Rudy.
