Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Shootings, Car Chases and Jackassery

A 41-year-old man was wounded in a shooting on the east side last night

Attorneys for Gary Collins, accused in the murder of Ken Harris, plan to challenge the legality of the warrants used to seize his DNA

County dad got 10 years for killing son on Father's day

Car Chases
Hunt continues for the PA alleged serial rapist, the DA says he's a danger to himself. Predictions?

"Baltimore Man Behind Wheel In Wild Two-State Big Rig Chase"

Car stolen from city impound lot resurfaces in VA

Your tax $ at work: we can all breathe easier with a 62-year-old pot-smoking ecologist off the streets


  1. Don't we have better things to worry about than aging, dope-smoking hippies? Hopefully he won't get any jail time.

  2. I'm not really all that worried about the pot smoking hippie with 2 masters degrees. I'm a little more concerned about the serial rapist on the lam who thinks he's a police officer and has a bunch of guns. The Westminster police department should be on alert. This guy might go out with bang which wouldn't bother me a bit, but I hope he doesn't take anyone with him or damage property in the process.

  3. I predict a half-assed & unsuccessful suicide attempt

  4. aww man Santa Bob is the man! i hope he doesnt get any time...whats wrong our legal system? wowserz...we let the bad ones go and go after the older educated loners

  5. The Gary Collins story is a good example of why we need to get rid of the exclusionary rule (which, by the way, the writers of the Bill of Rights NEVER dreamed up, it was invented by the Supreme Court.) Too many man-hours are being gobbled up by silly arguments over minor technicalities, and too many criminals are being allowed to walk because of trivial, innocent mistakes made by cops.
