Saturday, December 13, 2008

life, it means 4ever and that's a mighty long time

Could MD's death penalty be abolished next year?

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Baltimorean Brian Nichols was spared the death penalty, but a federal death penalty pursuit may still be a possibility

A man survived being shot at Washington & Lafayette Sts. last night.

The feds are now involved in the manhunt for suspected serial rapist Michael Johnson, who's still on the lam in a Chevy Cobalt.

At Goucher College, "it's the sort of campus where everyone is friends, and now there are accused rapists among them .. a disturbing e-mail from the school's president says that insiders are raping their peers." Said a student, "Last night, there were like three Baltimore County Police here, and public safety was like all going crazy."

A Hopkins undergrad was punched for no apparent reason while walking past Blimpie's

Page Croyder blogs about "the drug addiction sham".
and QTD, re. the Ken Harris murderers: "I get tired of reading generalized sentences like Hermann’s, or articles that describe criminals who 'slipped through' the system or the cracks before they commit a truly heinous crime. In order to slip through there first must be an effort to catch them."

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