Friday, December 12, 2008

You should laugh too if it happens to you

So Dixon is outraged at that video of girls laughing as a man is shot. But any girl who has ever had to play cute to get out of a scary situation will immediately recognize that the "laugher" is a hero-- she did exactly the right thing to save the life or her and her friend!

If "L" had fled or protested or stared at the shooters or looked too interested she might have been killed. But what she did was actually quite smart and her body language tells the story. At first, as the incident begins to go down, she sees what's happening and quickly moves towards the door and her friend. You can see the fear on her face and her shocked expression. Then she realizes they can't get out. She smiles, not towards her friend but towards the shooters, to communicate she's no threat.
She smiles to project "we're giggly girls in our own world, we're not concerned about you," and as soon as she and her friend could safely escape, they do.

That girl is a model. If you're ever in a life-threatening situation like that, you do what you need to get out alive!


  1. Wow!!! MJB---You hit the nail on the head! When I saw the video, I couldn't help but thinking the smile was more of a grimace--a forced smile. Of course, there is a slight possibility that the girls knew the suspects and/or victim, and kinda thought this was "playing"; or that they helped set this up.

    But on balance, I think your analysis is very insightful, and my gut says: you're right.

    By the way, isn't it interesting that all this new security camera technology doesn't seem to be deterring criminal behavior from people who either aren't worried about being recognized or simply put a bandido handkerchief over their face or pull their hoody up.

  2. After the gun men fled why didn't the girls render assistance?

  3. These girls appear to be perhaps at the early teens; I'm not sure that many adults in that same situation in that neighborhood would know exactly what to do. Or would want to "get involved", considering the nature of the area--and the rampant witness intimidation culture.

    I read some of the vitriol on Peter Hermann's blog, and your consultant would wonder: what would they do in a similar situation. Render first aid? Be a witness? Wait til the gendarmes arrive? Run? Pull out their concealed carry piece and shoot it out with them? It would seem to me that the weight would be on the store personnel to call for help and render first aid. My guess is they stayed safe til the first officers arrived.

    My guess is that plenty of people would be afraid, not want to get involved, not want to be "taken downtown as a witness"(often in the wagon in handcuffs), or even know basic first aid as to what they would do; betcha a lot of people in Baltimore would be "too busy". But even more would fear for their own safety. How would you know what's going on, that it's not just a straight robbery? That they might come back and finish the job.

    The victim seemed to be tending to himself somewhat, using a cloth to stop the bleeding; I would guess the store staff would have called 911 for EMS and police.
    (Didn't see the part about everyone conducting business as usual, picking up their orders, etc., that was mentioned.)

    But here's the interesting part: these guys didn't even attempt to rob the store or the girls. Buz wonders why they picked on that particular young man. Hmmmmmmm.

    In any event, we can't judge the girls too harshly; are any of us sure what we would do in an exact same situation? Maybe in our own, comfortable neighborhood? But maybe not.

  4. That was my opinion exactly. What did you want the girls to do? Scream? Yell? Jump on the assailant who was holding a gun? Push the shooter out of the way to get to the door?

    No, they laughed, closed ranks and were able to stay alive. Once the shooter left he could have returned with more guns and his buddies. I say the girls did the right thing. As far as rendering assistance with a gunshot, all once can really do is apply pressure to the wound and call for help, unless of course, the shooting happened in a sterile operating room and the innocent bystanders happened to be licensed surgeons.

    The end result is you have witnesses, a clear videotape of the shooter and a nonthreatening injury. I'd say as far as things go, this is the best you can hope for.

  5. you guys are all way off with this one. they werent sitting there thinking we better laugh or they will shoot us; they were laughing in that familiar baltimore "human life means nothing" kind of way that you would expect two future crack addicted whores.

    at the end, when the guy was actually shot, then they mozied on out of there cause they though they might be next. if it were a "defense mechanism" why didnt they keep laughing after the shot?

  6. Gee, Jeff, how many times have you been at the scene of shooting? None?

    When you do, please tell us how you handle yourself. I can't wait to hear about your ninja moves and how you saved the victim.

  7. Jeff, dare I ask for evidence to support your opinion?

  8. Jeff,

    I'm assuming you called those girls "two future crack addicted whores" because they are African American and living in Northeast Baltimore. Shame on you for such a racist and classist comment!!!

    It's that kind of thinking and prejudice that traps young girls in the cycle of gangs, prostitution, and violence. You're taking away other options from them before they're even given by making statements like that. These are children, Jeff! Would you have said the same thing if this happened at Eddie's in Roland Park and the girls were white? I'm pretty sure you'd be willing to cut them some slack then and maybe give them the benefit of the doubt that they were trying to stay alive.

  9. what would I do if I was at that place? well I certainly wouldnt laugh, pick up my food and walk out! as a black man in the city I have seen a lot. I have seen a lot of future crack whores with parents who let their kids out at all hours of the night. It isnt their fault, but it is their fate.

    Only scum would sit there and laugh, wait for their food and leave, thats all Im saying

  10. it's quite obvious they were not just trying to protect themselves....if they were they would (anyone would!) have waited a least 10 - 20 seconds before walking be safe. You don't follow men with loaded guns out the door unless you are completely used to seeing that kind of violence or unless you know them...
