Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Triple shooting leaves at least one person dead on North Bond and East Eager. Hermann notes that 6 of 11 of this year's murders have been in East Baltimore

A woman has been shot and is unconscious in Middle River, there may be a second victim


  1. 11-6=5 So even if Baltimore ignored the carnage going on over on Biddle Street, we'd still have 5 murders in 6.5 days. That's still not okay with me, how about everyone else out there?

    Getting back to Biddle Street, if you have 6 murders in 6.5 days in a 3 block radius I would fathom the police department might want to send a few units over there to circle the block a few times, but what do I know. Another thought on the matter would be to have maybe one police officer get out of their patrol car and ask a resident of the neighborhood what is going on, but I don't want to suggest any radical ideas. I know those police cruisers are nice and toasty inside.

  2. More East Baltimore daytime carnage from today's Blotter; critical but still alive:,0,6742406.story

  3. After 2 months and 8 days of this murderous insanity, the Baltimore City Police Department has finally decided to take their heads out of their ass and have a chat about it, but just the East Side.

    If you are concerned about the skyrocketing murder rate in any of the other city neighborhoods you are SOL.
