Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Not the mayor, but Helen Holton and that developer guy!
Holton was previously best known as the city council member who wanted to pass a resolution against baggy pants.


  1. This woman is a joke along with the rest of the city council and Sheila Dixon. Baltimore schools are a mess, yet year after year these politicians run on a platform of reform, but once elected, can't find the money in the budget! She, Sheila and all of her co-horts are shameless. I don't like baggy pants either, nor do I like to see men's underwear, so I don't look. What's next, no exposed bra straps, socks, t-shirts. Find a real job!

  2. This isn't as good as Dixon being indicted, but it's a step in the right direction.

  3. I'm wearing baggy pants right now.

  4. Yea im sure baggy pants is the reason for these shootings and murders....WHAT...A......JOKE...
