Tuesday, January 20, 2009

.. a good day, but still ...

City College student James Hodge Jr., 16, is missing

The man killed on Ward and Bayard has been ID'd as Jaiwan C. Jones, 26

The Chinese-assault-rifle-toting man shot to death by police in Waverly was ID'd as Larry Reed, 22

Former Commissioner Leonard Hamm talks to the E's Carolyn Pierce. On the allegations against Dixon: "... if this is in fact true, it's awful."
on his murdered stepdaughter, Nicole Sesker: "My daughter was in that lifestyle for a long time, and I understood the risks of that. You prepare for the worst, hoping that it never comes, and if does, you put your faith in a higher power."


  1. An SKS isn't an assault rifle.

    The media needs to quit referring to it as one.


    Crime blogs included.

  2. It would be a better day if Obama hadn't invited that loathsome charlatan Rick Warren to the inauguration.

  3. you're kidding right? Rick Warren's prayer was not only appropriate but it was necessary. How do you propose that we stop this violence outside of prayer?

  4. yesweshould:

    What violence are you referring to, and what rational person believes that prayer accomplishes anything (other than making weasels like Rick Warren rich?)
