Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obit for Mark P. Cohen, who "as Baltimore's top homicide prosecutor helped take many hundreds of killers off the city's streets"


  1. Escaped murderer Kandelario Garcia-Ramos remains on the loose.

    I can't help but wonder what this thug's immigration status is...

  2. In college, I had a cop lecture my Sociology of Criminal Justice class on cops. They apparently have life expectancies 10 years less than average. She said that the up/down adrenaline of patrol and the long hours tend to wear the body faster. If the cops in my neighborhood are any indicator, a diet of nonstop subs, pizza, coffee, and Coke is a big contributor as well.

  3. Yeah, it's kind of funny how Baltimore PD cops are all fit and trim when they're in the academy, but then rapidly balloon once they're on the street. Do state troopers (whose agencies seem to normally have much more serious fitness standards than county & municipal PDs) also have shorter life expectancies?
