Friday, January 23, 2009

Methadone Mom Back in Jail

From the SAO:
At a violation of probation [hearing] today for Vernice Harris, 31, formerly of the 4800 block of Old Court Road, Judge Timothy J. Doory found Harris guilty of violating the terms of her probation for violating rules imposed by a drug treatment provider [the Sun reports she was writing love notes]. He sentenced her to the balance of the 10-year suspended sentence imposed in August.

On April 22, 2008 Harris pled guilty to manslaughter for the June 5, 2007 death of her daughter, Bryanna Ashley Harris, 2, who died after ingesting a lethal dose of methadone. Judge Doory sentenced Harris on August 15, 2008 to 10 years in prison and 5 years probation but suspended all but time served and then ordered that she attend and successfully complete alcohol and drug screening and treatment and complete a treatment program at Second Genesis. Judge Doory ruled today that Harris failed to comply with the rules of the Second Genesis program as required by the terms of her probation. He then imposed the balance of her sentence.

Assistant State’s Attorney Julie Drake, Chief of the Felony Family Violence Division, and Assistant State’s Attorney Ernie Reitz prosecuted the case.


  1. Drug treatment is generally a waste of time and money. I'm sure it can help those who genuinely want to get clean, but for a piece of crap like this who's simply trying to get out of a prison sentence it's completely pointless.

  2. The last article I read on this subject was one which stated how the mother was tired of wasting her life away in jail while waiting on a trial. I'm glad she doesn't have to wait anymore....

  3. An plainclothes cop got shot in Seton Hill last night. He's at Shock Trauma in critical condition but is expected to survive according to the Sun.

  4. Three arrests in the cop-shooting. Hopefully the hoodlums in question had the living shit beaten out of them before they made it to Central Booking.

    Apparently the officer got shot while trying to do an undercover drug buy. Reminds me of Season 3 of The Wire where Dozerman gets shot doing the same thing. Life imitating art :(

  5. "Hopefully the hoodlums in question had the living shit beaten out of them before they made it to Central Booking." - ppatin.

    You really are a thug. Why don't you move to Zimbabwe or Russia where that type of behavior is condoned? Hopefully the BCPD acts professionally, as they usually do.

  6. thanks for your comments, I now have the will to continue. The crickets were getting to me.

  7. Damn ppatin, first William calls you a "troll" for pointing out our broken legal system and now you are a "thug" for enjoying to see a little "street justice" dished out (even though you didn't say who should be the one dishing it out).

    This website is great because we normally play together. William, it seems your heart is in the right place, but you need to get on board and learn that many of us blow off steam here and we usually only ridicule failing "elected" officials, scumbag gangbangers and other degenerates in the news and those that come here and try to defend them. People like ppatin is more a friend to you than the shitbags he would like to see "corrected", though he does come across a little rough once in a while.

  8. Ppatin isn't my friend, under any circumstances.

  9. I'm sure if you were about to be gutted while taking another beautiful picture near Druid Hill Park and ppatin intervened, you would feel a little different.

  10. There is a place called Swat in Northern Pakistan where the Taliban beheads people for selling DVDs. I'm sure many of you could find happiness there.

  11. How does wanting vicious gangbangers, who gun down innocent people in Baltimore's streets, face modern justice equate with people who live a medieval lifestyle and chops of the head of a person who has a image of a man and woman holding hands? You really are stretching it Cham.

    Also, I was in Northern Pakistan back in '01/'02. They smell really bad, much like the "gangsters" in our fair city.

  12. "You really are a thug. Why don't you move to Zimbabwe or Russia where that type of behavior is condoned? Hopefully the BCPD acts professionally, as they usually do."

    BCPD = Baltimore County Police Department, not the city.

    In the real world, unlike in lawyer-fantasy land, hoodlums who shoot cops have to deal with a bit of payback. It may not fit into your little fairytale version of how the world should function, but it's necessary to maintain some semblance of order in our society. If thugs don't fear the police then we'll end up like some Mexican hell-hole town where hoodlums get into gun-battles with cops and assassinate law enforcement officials.

  13. "Damn ppatin, first William calls you a "troll" for pointing out our broken legal system and now you are a "thug" for enjoying to see a little "street justice" dished out (even though you didn't say who should be the one dishing it out)."

    If David Simon wrote in "Homicide" is to be believed then "street justice" at the hands of the city PD used to be a lot more common. That's not to say that everything was perfect when cops could get away with more, however seeing as how that was also a time when the city didn't have ~250 murders per year, and large sections of Baltimore were NOT uninhabitable I'd say that things worked better a few decades ago.
