Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh, dear

"Oh, dear." Clerk of the court arrested for forging Percocet prescriptions

More scams targeting old people

56 years for robbery, from the SAO:
At a hearing yesterday, Judge Timothy J. Doory sentenced Jermaine Southern AKA Jermaine Swilling, 36, of the 400 block of E. Eager Street to 56 years in prison. A Baltimore City jury convicted Southern November 20, 2008 of two counts of armed robbery and two counts of use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence.

Judge Doory sentenced Southern to two consecutive 18 year prison terms for the two armed robbery counts and two consecutive 10 year prison terms for the handgun counts for a total of 56 years in prison. The first 10 years are to be served without the possibility of parole.

On March 20, 2007 at approximately 9:50PM in the 500 block of Centre St. both victims were walking home from a play at the Baltimore School for the Arts when Southern approached and pointed black revolver at both, ordering them to “give me your bags.” The first victim handed over her bag, which contained her wallet, credit cards, US currency, paperwork, and keys. The second victim threw her bag, which contained her wallet, credit cards, $30-$40 US currency, paycheck, cell phone and keys to the ground and Southern grabbed it. On April 30, 2007, both victims positively identified Jermaine Southern in photo arrays. Further investigation revealed that Southern used the phone within an hour of the robbery to call his sister. No gun was recovered. None of the victims’ effects were ever recovered.


  1. 56 years seems like a very long time for an armed robbery.

  2. Yep.You only get 25 years here in Baltimore if you murder somebody, and that's with Parole. What a joke our criminal justice system is. We need to get rid of stupid azz Jessamy and that silly azz Dixon!

  3. The judge sentenced him to that time given his pre-sentencing evaluations (where he said he liked playing the justice system and his dream job is a drug trafficker) and his previous record which included 12 convictions for armed robbery, assault, drug trafficking and gun violations. He also has 2 pending cases where the women ended up in the hospital. Given his penchanent for violence, I'm lucky he didn't pull the trigger when he had the gun at my head. He also happened to be "hunting" victims 2 blocks from a school. I wish more judges sentenced like Judge Doory.

  4. Rachel:

    Before he became a judge Timothy Doory was one of the leading homicide prosecutors in the State's Attorney's Office. I'm not surprised that he know how to sentence hoodlums.
