Friday, February 6, 2009

"Integrity Issues"

Hermann: Detectives Allen Adkins and Deryl Turner, who were serving warrants in Justin Fenton's story yesterday, are on the State's Attorney's "do not call" list due to "integrity issues"

Seriously? "Maryland judges have the authority to order new trials after convictions, an awesome power because their decisions can’t be appealed. So if a judge steps outside the law and orders a new trial for improper reasons, nothing can be done about it."


  1. Apparently, Sheila D. is getting ready to reshuffle the distribution of patrol resources.

    I don't expect better policing, however.

    Bottom line: patrol resources are allocated according to politics, not good ol'-fashioned policing.

    There are neighborhoods (including mine) which really need a large, armed occupation force. We're not going to get that, are we ??

    I believe that the number of full-time sworn officers is almost at authorized strength for the first time in a decade,... just in time for fiscal deficits and attrition.

    So,.. don't expect the true (reported + unreported) crime rate to go down soon. I suspect this is really a justification for cutting expenditures while shifting protection to the 'good' neighborhoods.

  2. If BCPD officers are not trusted enough to testify in court, they should be fired. Seriously, despite the babbling in the article, those officers will be called to testify and have to when subpoenaed by the public defender. The result will look like this:

    Lawyer: Did you plant the drugs?
    Cop in Question: No.
    Lawyer: Why should we believe you when the prosecutor thanks you're a lying douche?
    Jury (2 days later): not guilty.

    As for you Galt, strap on some guns and pose with them for city paper articles and the criminals will tremble in fear. However, make sure you have paid all outstanding tickets and have a proper tax return because according to some of this board, they only tremble before "law-abiding" citizenry only. Criminals are immune to the scary effects of armed criminals.
