Saturday, February 7, 2009

We'd press two, but bloody puke is on the handset

"Thank you for calling the Kellogg Company. If you would like to share your comments regarding our relationship with Michael Phelps, please press one to speak to a representative. If you're calling about the recent peanut butter recall, please press two now. Otherwise, press three or stay on the line. Thank you."

.. NORML is calling for a boycott.
But Subway, "perhaps realizing its product could serve an entirely new niche of sub eaters — namely, ravenous pot smokers — announced it still supports Phelps"


  1. If I hear one more word about this stupid bong hit I'm going to head into East Baltimore and buy a party basket filled with pot, crack and dope, and leave it on Michael's doorstep. After 8 gold medals he can enjoy all the mind altering substances he wants. Kellog's should go pound sand and worry about killing people with tainted peanut butter. Enough already.

  2. What annoys me is the hypocrites who either lambast weed smoking but give Phelps a pass cause he swins real fast or those who thinks its okay to smoke weed but feel we should nail Phelps for whatever reason.

    Personally, I could not care less and feel that it is a matter between him and his mom and him and his sponsors.
