Monday, March 23, 2009


A body was found by train tracks in Cherry Hill. Also a 3rd body found in the Harbor, cause of death unknown.

Kevin "I've got a fetish for blood" Johns, found not criminally responsible by reason of batshit insanity in the death of inmate Philip Parker was found dead at Supermax.

Opening statements to start today in the Patrick Byers trial.
UPDATE: Prosecutors say Byers was somehow able to get another cell phone at Supermax, which he used to threaten another witness and make "thousands" of calls over the past month!

"A federal judge has granted class action status to two categories of people in a civil suit that claims officers at Baltimore's Central Booking and Intake Center regularly and illegally detained certain arrestees too long and strip-searched people without cause."

Two county murders Sunday night: James Faulcon, 28, shot in his car, and a man robbed and stabbed to death in Wilkens

Investigative Voice: What happened to Edgewood?

NYU study: MD's monthly parolee fee should end, as "some consider committing crimes to pay."

We hear Judge Prevas was in he hospital over the weekend. Feel better, Judge!


  1. Thank you Kevin Johns. The one worthwhile thing you did in your life was to kill yourself and spare the taxpayers the expense of housing your murderous, psychotic ass for the next few decades. Why do I have a feeling that COs at Supermax didn't try too hard to make sure Johns didn't hurt himself...

  2. It appears the security at the so-called super maximum security isn't/wasn't so super after all.

    Too bad Mr. Byers wasn't forced to have the cellmate Kevin Johns (though I don't think any of them have cellmates there).

    Wonder what happened to the C .O. that Patrick Byers had a "relationship" with? Was she (he?) the one who smuggled in the phone on which the Lackl hit was ordered? If so, isn't she an accessory?

    I'm sure some of the surrounding detention centers have maximum security areas. If I were the judge in this case, I'd have the U.S. Marshals transfer him to one of those; apparently Supermax can't keep stuff out because of some people who go in and out of there, mostly staff, get something for providing the prisoners with stuff. Maybe some of them are a little too close to the game.
