Friday, June 12, 2009

Judge Trouble

The Maryland Court of Appeals has issued a reprimand accusing city judge Charles Bernstein of showing bias towards prosecutors during a drug trial


  1. “If I were a young enterprising criminal, I’d come to Baltimore to set up my practice. This is the place to be. This is the Promised Land.” -Judge Charles Bernstein, commenting on comedy of errors leading to the escape of a prisoner being transported to court in an unsecured van. link

  2. helix---That is almost exactly what happened when a member of California Bloods came to Baltimore to straighten out our Bloods gangs here. Lo, and behold, he discovered Pennsylvania Avenue. I don't remember his exact words, but it was reported that he said something similar to what the judge said about the drug market on Pennsy: he thought he had died and gone to heaven.

  3. Ah, that was one of the first "descriptions"-- I should put it back up for old time's sake

  4. The Maryland Court of Appeals is packed with criminal-friendly judges. Chief Judge Bell is probably one of the most pro-criminal, anti-prosecution jurists in the country. I'm not surprised that they smack down judges who try to stand up for law & order. Disgusting.
