Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Wives of Biddison Lane

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Who would want to kill two poodle-owning lesbians in Walterson?
UPDATE: The women were ID'D as 31-year-old Lydia Steed and 23-year-old Allisha Royster.


  1. Who would kill a lesbian couple in Baltimore? The same sick animals that are killing everyone else in Baltimore.

    Here is a classic case of the animals not killing each other and innocent victims die.

  2. We know very little about these 2 ladies so far. They could be upstanding pillars of the community or something more sordid. I'll hold off judgment until we get more information from reporters and police detectives.

  3. my google reader just recommended this blog. i am from baltimore. and yes i mean the city. i know the crime is awful. people have been shot and/or killed right outside of our front (and one night, that was literal). but this blog makes it seem as bad as it really is.

    dear god. and i'm thinking about moving back to get my master's?!

  4. Cham's right, who knows, they could have been involved in the Coconuts murder

  5. Allisha Royster had some sort of snafu in NY and became a fugitive from justice in 2008 while passing through PG County. She has an aka Theresa Smith.

  6. Cham is right you don't know these two Ladies But I knew Lydia Steed SHE WAS MY SISTER-IN-LAW... And so what if they were Lesbian,Did the annoucement have to be said like that. I know for a fact Lydia was the sweetest Person you would ever want to know. And she was trying to leave Baltimore, unfortunately she is leaving Baltimore in a CASKET. as far as her "Wife" I did not know much about her. All I Know is Lydia was looking to be accepted for who she was, and unfortunately some of her family did not accept her as a Lesbian,I guess now they are really re-thinking that they should have. (That is why she left New York )

    My Sweet Baby Sister I will miss you terribly and I am so sorry your Life ended this way, But just know there are people here who Love you know matter how you chose to live your life, I just wanted you to be happy I will miss you.
    Your Big ( and only ) Sister

  7. I guess I am shocked at all of the attention being placed on the fact that they were lesbians... its irresponsible to say the least to be tagged even in death as only a LESBIAN. They were very sweet people.I had the opportunity of meeting the couple and they were jovial, considerate people. REGARDLESS of Allisha Royster's past she is still a person that deserved to live her life FULLY and not have it taken away by some idiot with an ego and a knife.

  8. Allisha was my Baby Girl.She never told me her preference. I saw her profile on line a couple of years ago while looking for her. Who cares who she loved and who loved her. The fact of the matter is that she was/is Loved. Her last words to me was "Mom I am gonna remember what you said and I love you"

    The last words that is said between to people can either give you peace or Haunt you. It is so important to resolve any issues between people especially family. You never know when it's too late. Always in my heart Mom

  9. I'm very sorry to hear what happened to Lydia she was my student my very first year teaching I was her home room teacher and her eighth-grade history teacher. She was a delight to teach and one of the sweetest students I ever had the opportunity to teach I'm very sorry to hear what happened in hope this person kilter never sees freedom out of that prison ever again
