Thursday, June 18, 2009

Housing squabbles

Unruly tennants, too many kids on the streets, broken windows and lots of police calls have lead to tensions between renters and owners at the city's Albermarle Square, a mixed-income development that replaced the notoriously drug ridden Flag House Courts housing projects.


  1. "Mixed income" developments are practically guaranteed to fail. Why the hell would people who actually pay their own way want to live among deadbeats who mooch off of the government? Demolishing the Flaghouse Courts project wasn't going to solve a damned thing because it wasn't the building that was the problem, it was the people who lived in it.

  2. Mr. ppatin,
    Once again I will have to challenge your conclusion. But first let me just say of your first sentence I am in 100% agreement. But when you start blaming the people of places like Flaghouse for there conditions you are blaming the victim for the crime. Lest we not forget the original purpose of welfare and projects: TO BREAK UP BLACK FAMILIES. In this regard Flaghouse and other housing projects were an overwhelmingly smashing success. You act as if this was not yet another state sponsored program.
    The government created the projects, mixed income developments, and the housing bubble.
    Until people like you, Mr. ppatin, start standing for the principles of Liberty, Justice, and Freedom for All you will continue to license the state to keep creating these debacles.
    I am not saying that the people of these kinds of places are not irresponsible, but they are not the root cause. What this means is if you were allowed to simply eliminate the residents of depressed areas the government would simply recreate the situation even faster BECAUSE IT CONSOLIDATES GOVERNMENTAL POWER.


  3. Heh, didn't see THAT coming. I remember telling people that this was going to happen 5 years ago. "Mooching" aside, the fact remains that you have people with means who are financially vested in their homes right next to people who are not. It's an immutable law of human nature: "Something for NOTHING is treated like NOTHING." If a person hasn't worked and saved and delayed gratification for something, it's of no real value to them.

    Really, what's the inscentive for well-off people to live in a "mixed income" neighborhood? They're inheirently unstable. The loud, obnoxious slobs will trash the place and drag it down to their level. The "nice" houses won't stay nice for long. Their disillusioned owners will sell at a loss and loud, obnoxious slobs will move in.
