Thursday, June 18, 2009


Can you sue for custody/ child support before a baby is actually born?


  1. I don't think you can. This Kelis woman might be trying to get some sort of divorce settlement from this guy, Nas. If your income is $24K/month and your expenses are $82K per month then I would make a teeny tiny suggestion of some minor downsizing. But then again, who am I? I guess the alternative is to go to court and start whining and point toward your ever-growing belly. If I were the judge I'd tell Ms. Kelis to pound sand. These appear to be rappers who have the same money management skills of the Gabor sisters.

  2. Yeah, but their poor money skills are what's so entertaining about rappers and pro atheletes alike.

    They go from poverty to massive wealth in an instant, but because they conceptualize wealth they way a 5 year old does, they invariably blow it. Rags to riches to rags... I love it! :D

  3. I wish someone would interview some of the rappers and sports stars that go from rags-riches-rags in a blink of an eye. I wonder of living in a home the size of an airplane hangar makes anyone any happier. All I can imagine is that incredibly long walk from the bedroom to the refrigerator where the tasty treats and beverages are. Maybe more of your friends are willing to hang out pool side in your yard if you provide the buffet, perhaps that brings some pleasure to these people. Do 10 cars actually increase your satisfaction level 10 times. If you have Direct TV in your vehicle is it worth it?

    And once you are inevitably forced to downsize and relocate does your happiness level drop off substantially? Inquiring minds wish to know.
