Monday, November 23, 2009

Dang, bitches!

Police use pepper spray to break up a girl fight at Overlea HS

Two women were stabbed outside of Club International in West Baltimore, and two more claimed to be stabbed on Wellham St.

Three men were stabbed at around 2:30 this morning at the corner of Curley & Monument Streets

Dixon jurors say they're making "great progress"

Ugh, this law.
Disclaimer: This site offers links to local crime-related news stories, occasionally peppered with snarky commentary. It does not contain original-source reporting. This site usually can't tell you why Foxtrot was circling your block or why there were a bunch of cop cars at a given intersection. This site does not contain pictures of puppehs or kittehs or Levi Johnson in the shower. Etc etc etc etc, whatevs, I already bitched about this last week.

Hermann says a cop might lose his job over Del. Jon Cardin's dingbat boat proposal.


  1. If the anti-abortion crowd didn't have a reputation and documented past of making stuff up and fudging the truth in their drive to replicate Communist Romania and the USSR's abortion policies, then laws wouldn't need to be passed.

  2. If false and misleading information is the problem, though, why not make a law against distributing false and misleading information?

    Something seems to be missing from this story. Why didn't these undercover Planned Parenthood people just file a false-advertising complaint with the attorney general?

  3. The "centers" don't provide false and misleading evidence. Often the signs say something like, "Pregnant, we can help?"

    Yeah, they can help all right..... Assuming the pregnant ladies are willing to give up their baby to a nice couple willing to pay money for the center's services, the center will help with living expenses and prenatal doctor visits. So, technically, there is no false advertising.

  4. Hey, MJB, no one is forcing you to get an abortion. Get off your moral high ground and go on chasing police reports or standing in line for Going Rogue.

  5. Close family friend moved to Baltimore earlier this year.

    I read this site as I assume if she ever winds up dead, this is probably where I'll first hear about it.

  6. I have no clue as to what #4 foreperson is talking about. Perhaps someone can translate.

  7. Cham, who, me? Oh, nothing I suppose. I keep telling myself to avoid online arguments and here I am calling someone the worst thing in the world: A Palin fan. And all because he wrote Ugh on his blog post (which implies a law that's designed to help women when they're most vulnerable is disgusting). That's all I can offer in terms of translation.

  8. OM:

    I'm pretty sure that MJB is not a Sarah Palin fan...

  9. The bill is well-intentioned, but all it's going to do is get the city sued and be struck down. It's not going to improve access to services or prevent anyone from distributing false or misleading information.

  10. Montgomery County is considering a similar bill, let them fight this battle. Baltimore has better things to spend their money on.

  11. "If false and misleading information is the problem, though, why not make a law against distributing false and misleading information? "

    You can't legislate what's good science and what isn't. For example, it has been pretty well established that there is no link between abortion and breast cancer, but someone who cherry picks their information and presents it in a biased way could easily make it seem like there is. There's no way you can pass a law against that.

  12. Actually, Baltimore is as good a place as any to take up this fight. Those sign have annoyed me for years, especially when they are placed near a trailer park.

  13. IMO there are bigger fish to fry, especially seeing as how there's a good chance the courts will laugh at this law and strike it down. Considering the level of intelligence our city council president has shown I wouldn't be surprised if she was pushing a bill that is unconstitutional.
