Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our bad...

Eyebrow-raising story from TDR's Danny Jacobs reveals the details behind a mysterious $200,000 settlement from the city: police picked up the wrong guy on child molestation charges, in spite of the fact he'd never lived or worked in Baltimore and didn't live in the country until five years after the alleged abuse took place. Adding insult to injury, city lawyers also apparently flat-out lied that it was the victim who wanted to keep the story quiet. But as Rikki Spector surely taught at Talmudical Academy, time wounds all heels.

Man shot to death in the 3700 block of Mt. Pleasant Ave.

Arson killing may have followed an "altercation" at the New Haven Lounge where the victim was a bartender

Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke is soliciting donations to help with Karen Ferrell's funeral. The victim was a mom of three, found dead and entombed in plastic in her own basement.

The CP has details on last week's five murders (two of them in CHuM, the city's most murderiffic neighborhood). Also the death of 10-month-old Micha Crane has been added to the toll.

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