Sunday, December 19, 2010

Shooty weekend continues

Four Five murders this weekend so far:Also three more six more shootings, and then there's the mighty "suspicious" 42-year-old woman's body found wrapped in plastic in the 1800 block of E. 29th St. UPDATE: Fox reports that this death has been ruled a homicide, and the victim was Karen Ferrell, 42

.. and in York, PA, Baltimorean and twice-convicted murderer Kevin Mattison was sentenced to death for the December 2008 murder of Christian Agosto. Mattison just got out of jail in June after serving less than two years for 1st-degree rape, assault, sex and weapons offenses, and is due in back in a Baltimore court in February on burglary charges.


  1. When it comes to Karen Ferell I'll make a wild wild guess. If one would find her significant other one would also find her murderer. Although it might be hard to prove, he/she has probably taken about 15 hot showers by now and gotten rid of their clothes and weapons.

  2. May not be that easy. According to court records she has filed peace orders or has be a plaintiff or defendant in assault cases vs. quite a few others (male and female) over the years.

  3. Kevin, isn't that interesting. When I was finishing my Leakin Park bodies project I noticed that Bernadette Tyndale (killed on June 15, 1994) who was strangled by her husband also had placed a battery charge against another man before she married Ernest Tyndale. Victims of domestic violence often have a previous track record.
