Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday crime news

State Senator Ulysses Currie pleaded not guilty to federal corruption charges.

Triple stabbing on an MTA bus in West Baltimore.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Gregg Bernstein will be holding a press conference in the 300 Block of 26th Street (between Calvert and Guilford) at 4pm.

A Concession to Dignity

Short and sweet, good for her. Golf claps. She's put in a long career as a public servant and ought to jet off to St. Bart's and go put her toes in the sand.
More from the Sun.

How wonderful to imagine this blog played a small part in such a golden moment!

ps., what an interesting coincidence, our first Jewish State's Attorney, immediately before Yom Kippur.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Congratulations, taxpayers, you paid Margaret Burns $52 an hour to stand on the courthouse steps and talk smack about the ballot count.

More from Hermann

Friends like these...

WTF?! County police say a Reisterstown couple locked a woman in a bathroom for a year (a "friend"? Are you sure that's the word you're looking for, Jeff Hager?)

Doctor shot at Johns Hopkins

A physician at Johns Hopkins is in critical condition after being shot by a man who was unhappy with his mother's medical treatment.

Give it up, lady!

Thousands of missing votes, sheesh! Lawsuit, I am like so shur. File it right next to that ethics complaint about Bealefeld's sign!

UPDATE: after a day of counting ballots, Bernstein's lead widened .
"It's unclear if [Jessamy]'s now satisfied with the integrity of the election, but [head of the elections board] reiterated that all votes were in except for the remaining absentee ballots left to count and the provisional votes."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Tweet Trail

[at around 10 a.m.] "So I was told late late last night that the missing disks aren't scanfalous like it sounds. The results of those places were tallied.... And publicly posted in the window of each place. The only issue would be that they didn't make it into the tally... So bottom line as its been explained to me, is its not like the totals are unknown and could be manipulated. While Bernstein's lead isn't huge, based on the outstanding votes it seems insurmountable at this point"

... how nice of that Fenton to stay up all night and then go back in the next morning. Ah, youth.
Pat is right, they should count all the votes!
..also there was some kind of robbery/shooting situation near Mercy High.

.. here we go

Tweets Fenton: UPDATE: Tricia Bishop reports that Jessamy camp claiming that 6 to 10,000 votes are unaccounted for.. more to come

... Tricia Bishop says Jessamy claims cards are missing for six districts

It's morning in Baltimore

Way to call it, readers, accurately predicting the teeny tiny margin in the State's Attorney's race. (Two points! What is up with that? And the turnout-- 13 percent! Tsk!
But all's well that ends well, right? (Or all's well that's statistically extremely unlikely)
So stuff it, racists and cynics!

"Good morning Baltimore .... The rats on the street all dance around my feet... There's the flasher who lives next door, there's the bum on his barroom stool, they wish me good luck on my way to school..."

Looking Like Bernstein by a Hair

Tweeted Fenton after midnight from board of elections HQ on scenic Baltimore Street:
"Latest update w 71.38 percent: bernstein 17304, Jessamy 16665, lansey 1351"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bernstein vs. Jessamy Poll

What Do You Think?

Who's going to win this thing?

Bernstein by 70%+
Bernstein by 60%+
Bernstein by 59% or less
Bernstein by less than 5%
Jessamy by 60%+
Jessamy by 59% or less
Jessamy by less than 5%
Jessamy by 70%+

Monday, September 13, 2010

So much for the crime decrease

Reported rapes are up 20% in Baltimore since the under-reporting scandal broke.

Northwood gothic

Ken Harris trial today: the mystery woman, Monica Foreman-Robinson, revealed she met the victim in a bank line whilst married to a city officer, a student testified to pools of blood and a mystery man with a match.

Harris trial begins

A jury has been seated and opening statements are today, says WBAL.

Fenton is Tweeting about it:
Def atty Jerome Bivens says 'somebody had to be arrested, guilty or not.' 'When govt wants to charge you, they can charge you'
Prosecutors: 'rent-a-cop' provided tip that led to identification of suspects, whose dna was found in discarded items near crime scene
Robbery in New Haven Lounge captured on video and will be played for jury; shooting not captured.
And at noon today on Rodericks, FHB III

From Farm to Tabled

Tricia Bishop writes an obituary for the Jessamy administration

and reveals that Bernsteins's son has had addiction problems in a glowing profile.

Also prolific this week: is CP's best PIO of 2006, "Wizard777"?
"Mr. Bernstein should consider spending less time in court and more time at home"-- if so, low blow, Joe!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some non-Jessamy/Bernstein news

A 15-year old was shot near Pigtown this morning.

Two dead shooting victims in Ellicott City. Sounds like it might be a murder-suicide.

Motorcyclist is killed in a hit and run on Saturday night.

Gang member and murderer Dajuan Marshall had his recent conviction overturned because of juror misconduct. It sounds like at least one juror looked him up on MD Judiciary Case Search.