Wednesday, February 2, 2011

13 years

for serial drunken driver Thomas Lee Meighan Jr., who fatally plowed into Hopkins undergrad Miriam Frankl as the tried to cross St. Paul St.
The Sun has posted the 911 calls made by drivers


  1. That guy actually deserves more time than he got for that. When you're a habitual offender and your actions cause the death of someone, I think that's justification for life in prison.

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  2. 13 years means he'll be up for parole in what, 5 or 6? What a load of shit. Anyone who gets NINE DUIs and then kills someone should be charged with first degree murder. If it were up to me Meighan would get (I'm sure everyone who knows me isn't surprised!) the death penalty.

  3. 13 years isn't enough. This guy isn't someone with a bit of drinking problem, he's a murderer. He's a narcissist. He doesn't care about the damage that he incurs with his enthusiastic drinking while driving. He enjoys doing it. When he gets out of prison in 6 years, he'll kill another person and not think twice about it. For the safety of everyone Mr. Meighan requires a life sentence.

  4. He gets 13 years, and the guy who took sexually explicit pictures of kids gets 15?

    I don't even know what to say ....
