Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wieners aplenty

Demetrius Arrington arrested for murder of Jeffrey R. Purnell, 51

CP's Van Smith "A recent California drug-trafficking and money-laundering case [showed] how hundreds of pounds of cocaine allegedly reached Baltimore’s streets last year thanks to Hollywood-based traffickers, and how millions in drug proceeds left town: by private jet"

Fifteen years in prison for Joseph Lawhorn, 35, convicted of taking "sexually explicit" pictures of little boys with his iPhone

Burning dog trial: Sgt. Jarron Jackson "can't testify as to whether [Tremayne] can fly or not," today, jurors nodding off

The Daily Record asks, "Wrecking buildings or lives in Middle East?" (Fumes "Prez Jack" Young, "What if I become governor and they want me to show them where I lived? I will have nothing to show them.")

Howard County senator Allan H. Kittleman becomes first Republican to jump on the big gay senate bandwagon. Kittleman's civil-unions bill was withdrawn, and he stepped down as Senate minority leader soonafter. Yesterday Republicans closeted themselves to privately vote to officially oppose the bill. And the the National Organization for Marriage is robo-calling.

History corner: 10 years ago last week, then-mayor O'Malley told a Sun reporter re. the dropped case against officer Brian Sewell: [State's Attorney Pat Jessamy] "doesn't even have the goddamn guts to get off her ass and go in and try this case, and I'm tired of it... If she doesn't have respect for the police, if she doesn't have respect for the people of this city, maybe she should get the hell out and let somebody else in who's not afraid to do the goddamn job."


  1. I prefer this quote:
    "I talked to her [Jessamy] before she dropped this case . . . begged her, pleaded with her, and tried to persuade her to go forward with this case. She said, 'No, too many red herrings.' I think the poor woman must have been attacked by red herrings when she was a child. She sees red herrings everywhere."

  2. I miss spunky old O'Malley, before he got all robotic.

  3. That's some crazy straight-forward (non PC) political talk from a mayor. I kind of like it.

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  4. On these National Organization for Marriage robocalls. I was on the receiving end of the robocall. The calls are interactive with yes and no questions. First the robocaller asked me would I be willing to support gay marriage. I decided to play so I said yess. The next question was whether I was male or female, I responded with a loud "fuck you". Then next question was whether I was over or under age 50, I responded with an even louder, "fuck you". Then they thanked me for my time and had the nerve to end the call. I thought we were just developing a relationship and was a bit insulted. Are there people in Mumbai listening to our responses? What is the National Organization from Marriage going to do with the information it collects? Is this legal?
