Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bigger fish to fry

County Judge Robert E. Cahill Jr has ruled that Karla Porter's whole 10-hour police interview will be admissible.

Fabulousness! Charles Village residents (or mostly Stephen Gewirtz) form "Court Watch" to track cases. Says Gewirtz, "I get the sense it's really been a revolving door downtown." ...so wonder what happened with Thomas Meighan Jr.? Every court reporter in town (that is to say, Tricia Bishop) was at the dog trial. Almost makes me miss old Joe Sviatko. He would know!

And urBanite asks, "Is there hope for quality local news after all?"

$15,000 for three tons of rockfish? Those poachers really should get into drug dealing.

A septuagenarian hit with a brick, sisters who whacked their mom's boyfriend with a bicycle tire pump and a golf club and couples fighting over cold food and who should make the bed in the "Baltimore Guide" blotter.

In the Catonsville Times blotter, an attempted carjacking at the WalMart parking lot and other teenage misbehavior.

... and the "hontroversy" rages on, that never-ending intellectual-property "uproar" that "casts unflattering light on the priorities of people ... who have spent their time on this subject in a city with bigger problems." Nevertheless, good readin' from Ed Ericsson.

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