Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Please note that the deaths of Sean Gamble and Officer William Torbit Jr. are considered justified until determined otherwise. Baltimore city has had 15 official homicides so far this year.


  1. to me, of course.
    The shooting of Torbit from what we know sounds like an unfortunate-yet-legally justified accident. But with Sean Gamble, I guess it is up to SRB's blue-ribbon panel or internal affairs/investigations to piece together Torbit's intent, and how they could or will go about that I have no idea.

  2. Trust me, I now understand what it is like to be Sean Gamble. It's not pretty. Sean Gamble is no longer here to defend himself. However, I am still very much alive and have just gotten started. Blue-ribbon panel my ass. Sean Gamble is the least of their problems.

  3. The police did a police report on me but didn't arrest me because I didn't break the law. Somebody has to take a stand here lest we end up in a police state if we aren't already there. My dust-up has just begun. I don't think the problem is with Bealfield, the mayor or the government. The challenge is that we have 3100 lunatics running the asylum. We've got to do something to turn this around.
