Monday, February 14, 2011

Good old traditional values

Sen. Joan Carter Conway talks to Len Lazarick. She wants you to know she didn't kill the wine shipping bill, and she's "conflicted" on same-sex marriage. "I'm kind of hung up between the constitutionality of what's going on and good old traditional.. my Christian upbringing." .. and another Senator has come out in support of marriage, one Edward J. Kasemeyer of the 12th district.

A unid'd 20-year-old man in critical condition after being shot in the chest in the 2900 block of Edgecombe Circle South

A double stabbing at the intersection of Liberty Heights and Gwynn Oak Aves

What's going on in Cumberland? An inmate found dead in his cell yesterday. Another inmate was killed there on the 2nd.

"Fun" MD legal fact alluded to in this article on what might be the nation's oldest Mikvah/Mikveh: until the charmingly named "Jew Bill" of 1825 (enacted the following year), Jewish people in MD could not hold office, vote, work as lawyers, and if the Sun article is to be believed, couldn't incorporate to own property until 1828.

"From brides to freelance photographers, Darien Small became known for a rip off," now "the stuttering con man" faces fraud charges in the city. His online trackers claim he was still at work in the city as of last August, operating under the name "Daniel Craig" at "Studio 51" or "Great Studio."


  1. The inmate who as found dead in his cell was apparently beaten to death with a television.

    Remember, if death penalty opponents have their way then lifers who commit murders in prison will be punished with... another life sentence. That'll show them!

  2. Yeah yeah yeah, persecute those Jews. Eventually someone is going to need their hernia checked, their books balance and their enemy sued. That's when attitudes changes.

  3. And bagels. Don't forget the bagels.

  4. .. you can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her classy.

  5. Read your link and the bit about Jacob Lumbrozo.


    page 261

  7. And come on, SOMEBODY has to control international finance and the media.
