Monday, February 14, 2011

No more police

Mayoral candidate says we've spent too much on police in the past and too little on schools. He also wants to slash the property tax rate by 50 percent.


  1. Wow, I'd heard that Carl Stokes was an idiot but I didn't realize he was this bad.

    Spending money on Baltimore schools is throwing money down the drain. The problem isn't funding, it's bad parents and bad students.

  2. So ppatin, just curious, where do you pay taxes? In Baltimore City or somewhere else? Also, got kids? Hoping not since you are so unbelievably rude by generalizing about Baltimore City parents and students.

  3. I've been a Baltimore City resident for the past ten years. Thankfully I don't have any kids.

    Re: parents and students, look at the illegitimacy and teenage pregnancy rates in Baltimore compared to the rest of the state. Baltimore City schools suck because too many of their students are the product of an urban culture that sneers at work and education. No amount of money will fix that.

  4. baltimore city resident or homeowner?

  5. Homeowner. I didn't run off to the suburbs and bash the city from afar, however just because I'm a resident doesn't mean I'm going to turn a blind eye to Baltimore's many problems.
