Thursday, March 17, 2011

Changing minds

Intriguing article in the New Yorker this week about how childhood trauma can lead to health problems in adults and predispose them to violence later on.

The Ink has last week's two murders and lots of case updates

An inmate in a federal heroin case managed to get a list of witnesses against him and "convinced many defendants to change their minds about pleading guilty"

Van Smith on Jean Therese Brown's "terrifying pot-smuggling saga"

Have you seen these two suspected armed carjackers?

A drug dealer may get off because DEA agent & convicted embezzler Mark Lunsford "admitted to the FBI that he concocted information in the case."

P.G. County police confirm that a body found in a trunk was that of a missing man, but they're not treating the case as a homicide(?)

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