Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Confessions of a Baltimore serial killer

William Brown pleaded guilty two killing two women and maiming another between 2003 and 2004


  1. Two murders does not a serial killer make.

  2. There's been a lot of hubbub recently about how death sentences and executions are going down in the US, but I was happy to see that there's at least one jurisdiction rather close to us that's bucking that trend. Yesterday a Fairfax County, VA jury sentenced Mark Lawlor to die for the murder of Genevieve Orange. After 12 years without sending anyone to death row this is Fairfax County's second death sentence in four months. Since Lawlor is in Virginia he also stands a pretty good chance of getting juiced in less than a decade, since they have the fastest appeals process in the country.

  3. You're right ppatin, the cut-off for a dyed-in-the-wool serial killer is 4. However, WVB killed 2, left one for dead but she didn't die and is tied to another but there isn't enough evidence to prosecute so he's darned close to serial killer status.

    If it wasn't for DNA evidence WVB would still be out there being a really busy serial killer so be thankful he was stopped.

  4. PPatinm completely untrue you are wrong according to the FBI two distinct murders separated by time and place.
