Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jody Lee Miles and Euro Death Row Groupies

The death sentence of Jody Lee Miles has been upheld, reports the local news and Jody Lee Miles himself. (How do you get a Tumblr account on death row?) Miles has a Facebook account too, maintained by his wife. (Not his first wife, Jona, who helped him hide the evidence, but another wife, Michaela, who lives in the UK and apparently never met him in person before they were married until a TV station arranged it.) ... More about Miles' case here.
.... European death row groupies, who knew?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm both fascinated and disgusted by that Tumblr site. It must be a real slap in the face to the family of Edward J. Atkinson.

    1. I use to write Jodi years ago. He would always try to convince me of his innocence. All the documents he use to send me definately pointed to his guilt in my opinion

  3. I know this man personally and he is a killer with no remorse. He thinks he got a raw deal. I know the anger in him and how he has threated others. I hope his new wife gets out before being used like I was.

    1. How do you know him?

    2. How did he use you? I also visited him once . This was in 1997 or 98. Not long after he was convicted. I know why the innocent project wont take his case

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  5. Death row in my opinion is barbaric and no different to what the killer has done

    1. You're a wanker if you believe the convicted murderer should have more rights than the victim and instead should be held accountable by forfeiting their life period...

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