Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quick Weekend Crime Update

A flurry of non-fatal shootings in the city so far this weekend. A woman and a man were shot in seperate incidents, while an 18-year-old received non-fatal injuries after being shot in the 1000 block of Bennett Place.

Unfortunately for this blog, it appears that the Baltimore Sun is now going to be charging for web use. While some may see this as a mixed blessing, I can't help but be less than thrilled with the loss of a very useful crime source. For the sake of staying as a viable crime resource to readers, the number of Sun articles linked from here will obviously decrease dramatically. An unfortunate, but not unexpected event, that was frankly happened later than most would have expected.

Two seperate stabbings in Baltimore County Friday.Two angry brothers stabbed each other in Woodlawn, and a man was stabbed in Essex during the early morning hours.

Shots fly during the attempted robbery of a Middle River liquor store.

A very violent few days in Maryland's prisons, as a 34-year-old inmate is in serious condition after a lunchroom stabbing. While over at WCI, Saleem N. Abdullah, 53, was found strangled to death in his cell Thursday night. No official arrests have been made in either case. According to online resources, this wasn't the first time Mr.Abdullah had been the target of prison violence, he had been the complainant in 4 previous cases while incarcerated. None of the inmates accused in those cases were currently serving time at any Maryland prison facility.

Former Ravens OT Orlando "Zeus" Brown was found dead in his Baltimore home Friday. No foul play is suspected.

A freshman delegate is already corrupting at a senior level. Lawmaker Tiffany Alston, 31, has been charged with misappropriating campaign funds in order to pay for a wedding, among other things.

You can't talk about corruption in MD politics without bringing up good 'ol Ulysses Currie. A lawyer for Currie claims that the senator was "very sick" at the time of the FBI raid of his home.

Finally, nine members of the an apparently very profitable cigarette smuggling ring have been indicted in Maryland. The second such case of cigarette smuggling to come in front of Federal judges in the last week after former PG County cop Chong Chen Kim plead guilty to similar charges earlier in the week.

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