Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bad ideas

A man is dead after shooting his ex-wife in the neck and then getting into a gun battle with police; the police spokesman says it's not clear yet if he was shot by police or shot himself.

The Court of Special Appeals overturned the first-degree murder conviction of one Jamar Anderson last week, "saying the trial judge had violated the defendant’s right to a fair trial by asking prospective jurors if they could convict someone without scientific evidence."

Jean Marbella follows up on the story of Baltimorean-cum-Libyan "revolutionary fighter" Matthew VanDyke. Meanwhile at the prison that VanDyke escaped from, a Quadafi-era mass grave has been unearthed.

At the Court of Appeals last week, the City Paper and Van Smith fought the revival of a defamation suit brought by Nicholas Piscatelli, the former owner of the Redwood trust nightclub.

A county officer was arrested and charged with assault after allegedly stripping off his shirt and brandishing his weapon in the middle of the street.

In the County, brokedown heifer Theresa Jefferson, 33, allegedly hurled bleach and Pine-Sol at her romantic rival, putting her and 18 other Walmart shoppers in the hospital.

Finally... could this possibly be a good idea? Keiffer Mitchell says that control of city schools should revert to the Mayor.
.. speaking of the Mayor, saw SRB in the Roland Avenue Starbucks Friday, Suburban illegally parked, flanked by a security guy with an earpiece and wearing giant aviator sunglasses in the (very dim) shop. She didn't speak, smile or acknowledge anyone, barely even the barista-- just nodded or shook her head to his questions. ("Would you like anything else?" Shake. "Do you want your receipt?" Shake.) Most strange.


  1. strange is running campaign adds with your mother touting your virtues.

  2. If I were mayor of Baltimore, I wouldn't want to be recognized in public either...

    or she just doesn't want to engage with the commoners

  3. she also looked very thin. I wonder if she is unwell.

  4. I know a few months ago SRB was on a diet, word was that it was going well.

    I really don't care whether our fearless leader has the personality of an ice cube, I don't require warm and fuzzy (It's not like I excel in that department either). I'm looking only at results, and whether said results are arrived at ethically.
