Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

A couple of robbery related shootings. One took place in Lauraville, the other in Charles Village very close to the spot where Stephen Pitcairn was murdered. Both shootings appear to have been non-fatal.
[So far! It sounds like a lot has been happening around Charles Village. There always is this time of year, in terms of scary robberies and assaults. ... wonder what John Pontolillo is up to these days? I heard something on the news about a CV resident stabbed in the face when he confronted someone who broke into his place, anyone else hear about that? - ED]

Murder in Woodlawn.

If you're going to rob and murder a pizza delivery man it's a bad idea to place an order using your own cell phone. This was a really sad story (poor guy was working hard to support his family in Pakistan) and it looks like the perps got away with second-degree murder convictions and relatively light sentences.

Spray-paint artist Mark Chase refused a plea bargain and insists he wants to go to trial.
[I love this quote: 'Your constitutional rights have nothing to do with the law,' the officer [Chase][reportedly] said." Good for him! ... I hope Bernstein announces they won't hassle street artists. It will bring us one step closer to a little Seine in the Jones Falls/Harbor. - ED.]

Already convicted on federal drug charges, Johnny Butler has gone on trial again for torture and murder.

Here's some good news for once: Missing 16-month old found.

Fatal car crash on Route 100 after the driver allegedly behaved like a maniac.

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