Monday, April 23, 2012

Jihad, jihad, jihad

To get a little meta here: Not just your emails but every kind of electronic transaction you engage in is being stored in a vast data center in Utah, says Wired magazine. One of the article's sources, former technical director of the NSA’s World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group William Binney also gave an interview to Democracy NowAs Ed Norris once said, "they're the government. If they want to get you, they're going to get you." In other news, Poland (which would know a thing or two about totalitarian regimes) has blown the whistle on a torture facility the U.S. government was (is?) using there, named after the founder of East Germany's Stasi.
... maybe we should be glad to see all these police lawsuit payouts-- it means local government cares enough to hold itself accountable, no?

Speaking of lawsuits, a $30 million one just ended in a mistrial. A guy and the relatives of two dead men say city police planted shell casings after a shoot-out on July 4, 2008.

Police Tweeted "Shooting: Parkheights/Boarman. Adult male reported to be shot." and "Shooting: Pulaski/Baltimore Street." and the local firefighters Tweeted "*SHOOTING* Box 29-1 2500 blk Keyworth Av, NW Balto; One person shot, fire engine treating, medics responding." Fenton Tweeted that at least one of these shootings was fatal (not sure which one).

The trial of neighborhood watchers/arm breakers Eliyahu and Avi Werdesheim is set to start today downtown. WBAL says the trial has been postponed "at least" six times now.

Comments posted by Galt and Ppatin in 2007 are pissing off a perp's family five years later.

... sometime this weekend, this blog passed two million hits. Kind of a lot (but over a long period of time...)

1 comment:

  1. The spelling and grammar used by the Andre McNair fan club was good for a chuckle.
