Friday, April 20, 2012

Pastor Convicted

From the State's Attorney's Office [edited for grammar, italics added]:

"A Baltimore City Circuit Court jury found Pastor Leon W. Jones guilty yesterday for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl from April of 2000 until March of 2002.   

The victim, now 27, was first introduced to the Pastor by her mother; who also participated in the sexual abuse and pled guilty to five counts of sexual child abuse for her role. 

The jury found Jones, 61, guilty of eight counts of sexual offense in the 2nd degree. Scheduled for sentencing on June 26, 2012, he faces a maximum of 160 years in prison."

What the?!?!?! Screen grab from this guy's web site at left and right... 


  1. Also, Blogger now has a new interface, and I can't for the life of me fix the !%$@ing fonts, so sorry about that!

  2. any more info on this case anywhere? i dont remember ever hearing about it

  3. Not that I've seen, but you can check out his churches web page, including a picture of hm looking all sorts of fly in his orange suit.

  4. I hadn't heard of it either. Eight children!! And of course he's all about the "family values." I'm starting to think that term is code for "pervert." What an unfortunate description of his wife: "dedicated to leading God's people to the throne of grace through prayer, as the pied piper was known for leading children."

  5. The victim is my friend. The reason you haven't heard about it is because she was a minor at the time. Also, she came forward not long ago about it. You can look the pastor pedophile up on Md case search though. Her mother is also on Md case search, but to keep my friend's privacy, I won't release her mother's name. Dig around, I guess.

  6. Well, that makes sense. I don't see any public benefit to having her name out there. Pastor Leon, on the other hand...

    So my eye is certainly caught by "her mother; who also participated" ... what is meant by that? Because 'participated' could mean a lot of things. I guess my question is, was money exchanged? Or threats? Or.. just what was the situation there?

  7. "What an unfortunate description of his wife".....not so, she's a very sweet woman and I feel bad for her.

    1. Remember, it is what people want you to see of themselves that they show you... I wouldnt feel bad for either of them and I say that because of experience and things I know that many don't....

  8. First, my heart goes out to the victim who has suffered the ultimate betrayal (the betrayal of a mother). My anger is directed at the mother more than the perverted pastor. Perverts will always be around, but to put your child in harms way and to participate in it is despicable. So many women out here want to be parents and can't have children, then you have these monsters who are given the gift of creating life only to abuse it and destroy it. I hope she suffers in the worst way in prison. Five years is a disgrace, she too deserves 160 years.

  9. This is my friend and I am here to say that, I too feel betrayed by her mother. I was around and would talk to her like she was my mother. But for someone to harm my friend makes me upset and offended. I have been in a very bad place after finding out that this happened and have been browsing the web am to pm everyday to find any more victims. I want this man to get the maximum sentence.

  10. Just took a look at the public cases and the mother got suspended time and probation. But the ex-pastor will face 8-160 years in June. Don't know what the facts are exactly, but she's not in jail and he is.

    1. She never saw a jail cell that's what I don't understand ... Something just don't feel right abt this case!!! This man had an affair with a looney toon!!!

    2. B/c with his arrogance he thought he could fight the legal system...he too was offered the same deal the mother was offered, he didnt take the deal so why is tht the mother's fault. He was offered more than one deal, and was even regretful of his decision to turn down the deals during the closing statements...sooo, what dont feel right is your lack of information. If you knew more, it would make sense to you...but you dont so it maybe best not to comment on cases of which you hve limited knowledge, it makes you look bad...thts his fault he didnt take the deals, not the mother's fault! The victim even agreed on the deals before they were offered to both, her desire was for them both not to have jail time but for her voice to be heard...ask him why he didnt take the deal, tht will clarify your confusion!

  11. *20-160 years in prison*

  12. WOW,8-160 years-- we don't know exactly what he did to her but whatever it was was no frickin joke. I assume if it involved pornography he'd be dealt with by the feds. So for it to not involve that and for the sentence to be that long, it must have been something uniquely awful. Please let your friend know RAINN has online anonymous chats:

    1. He had sex with the 15 year old.

  13. Why did this girl, who is now a grown woman wait so long to come forward? There are no other victims and pedophiles usually have more then one victim? Something doesn't sound right. I hope the truth comes out. If this is a vendetta against this pastor, I hope that the truth will come forth. Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.

    1. You better believe it ... Conviction or not the truth will truly be known in due time. And pedophiles ALWAYS ALWAYS has more than one victim... Not just one!!!

  14. You can't think of any reasons why a sexually assaulted minor might not come forward until later? Really? I imagine her reasons are probably similar to why the Sandusky victims waited many years-- fear, shame, and obviously this girl did not have sympathetic parents. And, sometimes even sympathetic parents will discourage reporting because of what the legal system puts victims through, for only a 50% conviction rate. And yes, it's estimated that only 1 in 100 victims comes forward, so it is highly unlikely, though not impossible, that she was his only victim. And the chances of him being convicted over somebody's vendetta is pretty close to zero. If someone had that much of a vendetta against this guy there are a whole lot of easier, surer ways than spending years involving the legal system in a fraudulent case.

    "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them."

    1. Amen!....thank you for being rational!

  15. Today, he was sentenced to 45 years with all suspended but 20. He'll probably serve 12 years.

  16. He was having an affair with the mother. When the victim was 13, he convinced the mom to make the daughter watch them have sex. The, the daughter was forced into three ways with the minister and the mom. It went on when victim was 13 - 17 years old. There was a plea offer where Jones could of gotten a suspended sentence, probation nd been made to register as sex offender. He turned it down.

  17. You mean to tell me that this man waits til he's in his 40s to abuse a child and nooo other victims ... Conviction or not I dont buy it. This was a damn set up. Time will tell. This woman never did any time behind bars ... Just dont add up!!! A woman scorned ... A crying shame!!! There are so many cases like this and so many men behind bars because of a woman not getting what she wants ... Some would go through great lengths to ruin a man's life.

  18. She is my friend and I'd like to address Anonymous from Tue Jul 17, 06:49:00 PM EDT who couldn't understand why she waited so long to come forward. My friend is very strong, but through our talks, she has told me how therapy has helped her face her past and come forward to do what's right. She also feared that there were other victims and that's also why she came forward. She is 27 and it was BRAVE of her to come forward so young. Many women in my family did not come forward until their late 30's or early 40's because of the shame and often denial. So I admire my friend's STRENGTH and COURAGE to face this monster in court and to fight his lawyers who stalled for months, if not a year. Vendetta, really? Her mother is now a convicted sex offender as well as the pastor, so why does she have to have a vendetta? Why can't they just be the monsters that they are?

    Secondly, thank you mb for the link. I will pass it forward. And thank you for defending the victim, not the pedophiles!

    Third, to the anonymous person from Wed Jul 18, 12:53:00 PM EDT, unless you are my friend, the victim and want to heal by writing about it, the details are no one's business outside of that court room and in fact, I think discussing it may be illegal since she was a minor at the time. Illegal or not, it was extremely tasteless. So if you are not one of his victims, what were you thinking writing that?

    Fourth, to anonymous from Thu Jul 19, 12:24:00 AM EDT AND from Thu Jul 19, 12:28:00 AM EDT AND from Thu Jul 19, 12:31:00 AM EDT, who said there was just one victim? Most people are not as strong as my friend, to be able to come forward in her 20's. I commend my friend and shame on you for the conspiray theories! Also, her mother spent one day in jail and is on years of monitoring. She is registered as a sex offender and plead guilty. The pastor on the other hand did not plead guilty that's why he is serving the amount of time he is.

  19. I admire your friend too-- as you can see by the anons victims who come forward have to deal with not only the legal system, which is more concerned with the rights of the accused than of the victims, but also dealing with the denial/victim-blaming of friends, family and anonymous Internet trolls when they do the right thing. It is exactly that kind of victim blaming that let pedophiles with the Catholic church, Penn State, Horace Mann etc. continue to victimize kids and teenagers for years and years-- victims feeling like no one would believe them, and adults who will buy into any crazy explanation (horseplay!) that lets them keep pretending like nothing is wrong.

    But of course the conspiracy/vendetta theories make no logical sense whatsoever. "So many cases like this"? Where a spurned lover invents years worth of fake sex-abuse charges that implicate herself, convinces her daughter to go along with it then has to register as a sex offender herself, all to get back at some guy? Uh, no. I have never, ever heard of a case like that. And in this town I have heard a *lot*. But what there *are* a lot of cases of, in Baltimore and everywhere, is people who are so determined not to face facts they don't like that they cook up elaborate, nonsensical theories to deny them. The truth can only be known to someone who is ready to know it, even if it turns out to be not what they want to hear.

  20. Thank you mb.

    And just to put things into perspective, she is around 5 foot probably 100 pounds. It pisses me off that the pastor wouldn't "pick on someone his own size" so to speak. He's a coward and even more so for doing such heinous things to such a small girl.

    I think many of his "followers" in church may come on here to post nonsense because instead of facing the truth about their beloved pastor, they'd rather blame my friend, the victim (SURVIVOR)! Despite that, I've actually found a little refuge from your blog. Though it is a touchy subject that really hit me hard, it is kind of therapeutic in a way. Hopefully I won't annoy you coming on here every month, but it sure has helped me! Until next time...thanks again!

  21. I understand your feelings for your friend, however, did she tell you that both she and her mother received money over a period of time and when the money stopped that charges were filed..hhmmmm...go figure!

  22. If this pastor indeed sexually abused her then he deserves punishment, but your friend and her mother enjoyed the blood money. How crazy is that????!!!!

  23. It doesn't matter if this pastor gave her mom a million dollars and her mom bought her a beach house--the victim was underage and pimped out by her mom! Could any material thing money could buy ever compensate for having a selfish sociopath instead of a mother?! Sheesh!

  24. "if he indeed sexually abused her"-- er, doesn't the fact that this guy was giving money over a period of time to some able-bodied woman he was not married/related to make you a little suspicious something unholy was going on there?

  25. Do I believe something happened..Yes, but not to the extent mentioned in court. Perhaps, therapy will help your friend to identify the real truth that neither you or I know, only those who were in the room at the time of the alleged abuse. GOD knows the truth and it will all be exposed on JUDGEMENT DAY. And NO, I do not attend his church. To many men have been accused and imprisoned for years because of a lie or half truth. Hopefully, one day the real truth will be known.

  26. I'm back, and I think I've read enough nonsense to last a lifetime. I've possibly gained some stupidity while reading these insane comments. I'm done, MB you can have it from here. I won't be back because I am sad for our society that people especially in Baltimore, a place that needs improvement, would dig a grave for a rape victim and build a statue for a monster! Done. But thanks MB for covering this.

    That being said, I am going to keep this civil. I'll leave with this: of course only God can judge, but it seems to me that the anonymous posters here are doing the judging. I feel sorry for all of you who instead of trying to uplift our young women, we oust them and shame them for coming forward with the pain of abuse. Of course none of us know the entire story. Only an idiot would think that. But why go through a trial, therapy and putting your life on hold by trying to help convict an "innocent" man.

    Let me get serious for a minute. I don't care if my friend's mother was a "bitter" woman seeking revenge and my friend was a willing participant who walked the streets soliciting her body...the fact is, as a grown man, an alleged man of God, a man with so-called morals and sanity, you do not have any sexual contact with a minor or in front of a minor, PERIOD! There are 12 year old prostitutes who have johns that are as old as 60. Do we ignore the situation because she's a prostitute or do we go after the sick pervert who contributed to using her body?! Typical of you posters to blame the victim. But while she's growing and gaining more trust in God, you're sitting at home wallowing in anger and making excuses with your conspiracy theories. I truly feel sorry for people like you, so let's hope God looks past your judgment with mercy. I'm done.

    Some people are idiots and I'm tired of stooping to that level. I guess people here blame Roman Polanski's 13 year old girl too...because she showed up to the photo shoot willingly after all. The point is that he's a pedophile whether she was forced or willingly shows up. Wow, this will be my last time coming here for good! But thanks again to MB for having this CRIME on this crime blog. You and whoever else can take over from now on. Peace.

  27. I am the victim, I lived this and NO money was ever recieved!!! Nor have I any desire to file a civil suit, that says alot! Although many requested for me to file a suit for funds, I refuse to do so because my intent is NOT monetary gain but to seek closure! This trial was a private trial, therefore none of you were NOT present which makes sense as to why your information lacks validity! It is sad that you folks are sympathetic until it is in your own backyard! I know what the truth is...I have lived it and continue to heal from this even after its all said and done! You people should be ashamed of yourselves, and I hope your harsh words convict you....

    Thank you my dearest friend for your support!

    1. To set the record straight in regards to my mother seeking revenge...I came forward to the police about this, not she! I came forward without her knowledge and she was surprised to see the police at her door just as he was! people are pathetic!

      Also, I have NO ulterior motive of coming forth than to heal and move past this! Im the one who had sleepless nights of this for many years while you all were enjoying your "perfect" lives! No longer will I defend my choice to come forward, think what you may...I have nothing to proove to any of you! He is the one who has to answer to God for this, not I...I done nothing wrong in coming forward! So do you all suggest I had keep this a secret and continued to protected those who harmed me, esp when they werent looking out for my best interest when they did what they did?...ok, I rest my case! You all should not have anything else to say then...

  28. In MY OPINION and according to the First Amendment, I have the right and freedom to say what I want to say and believe what I want to believe. With that being said, a guilty man at best would jump at a plea bargain, but an innocent man will stand and fight for the truth. As you stated, he will have to stand before God and so will we ALL! You call those who share their thoughts pathetic, but I say your mother is pathetic for including you in her deviant behavior. It is evident that you are hurting. Even the thief on the cross was forgiven by Christ; hopefully, you will find it in your heart to forgive, be healed and move forward with your life instead of reliving your pain through this website. Finally, if anyone really wants to know what happen, court cases are public record. Move on and be healed!

  29. 130nuyasi been knowing leon since i was 21 hes a family man married twice that i know of and its possible he strayed but id bet 20 yrs in prison myself that he forced nobody to do nothing but the comment about money mayyyyyy be true butttttt i would bet it was no force involved i have met his recent wife pastor jackie and leon aint never been stupid i dont believe he would risk losing her over this..................nobodys perfect but i know leon aint stupid and wouldnt risk nothing on a scank yeh i say there scanks....rd-adf fad
