Saturday, August 25, 2012


Fenton reports that 11 people have been killed over the past 9 days and the current homicide toll for this year is 139.* Sorry but I don't have the time to update our toll on the right, maybe TAB or another volunteer could pitch in? The death of the woman in Charles Village, Kristie Hufnagel, 41, has been ruled a homicide. You may recall her neighbor was living in her apartment with her body; police say she was asphyxiated. A victim on Thursday was ID'd as Terrance Gough, 26, who rapped under the name "Twitty Sparks" (video right). And yesterday Lindale Carrington was stabbed to death in the 600 block of Brisbane Road, Fenton says by his teenage daughter's boyfriend, WBAL reports Carrington was 33. Uhm, whut?

Early this morning police shot a man on Maisel St. after he shot at them, he's in stable condition.

This morning a woman was mauled by a Rottweiler-type dog near the Waverly Farmer's Market

Three career drug dealers, Marvin Jackson, Derick Fallin and Johnnie Davis, got 15 years in the federal hoosegow for racketeering and trying to kill an "Omar" who robbed them: "In 2008, two individuals stole $250,000 from one of the stash houses. After learning the identity of the robbers, Fallin entered into a conspiracy to murder them, initially for $10,000 and gradually increasing the bounty over time. Davis conspired with Fallin to look for and kill the robbers, but they were ultimately unsuccessful."

"Del. Dwyer's career hurt by boating accident, experts say*" One would hope! "Lawmaker who thinks gays a threat to children crashes boat into children." Doesn't sound like Dwyer could be removed from office even if he's charged and found guilty, though. We have that ballot measure to strip lawmakers of their office when found guilty of certain crimes (which Dwyer supported) coming up for vote in November, but he could only be charged with misdemeanors here, unless, heaven forbid, one of his victims should die.


  1. Let's talk about why drug dealing is a really good occupation for some people.

    The State of Maryland is operating the largest legal blood-from-turnip transfer of funds from one citizen to another in this state.

    In 1997 Lindale Antoine Carrington was petitioned for child support for Shy'lin Carrington(probably the gal in question for the boyfriend stabbing). LAC was order by the state to pay the baby mother $185.00 per month. In 2000 LAC was petitioned for child support for Nikholas Dodd, he was ordered by the state to pay $184.00 per month. In 2002 LAC was petitioned for child support for Lakia Jefferson, he was ordered by the state to pay semi-monthly $154.00. This comes to a total of $677.00 per month before LAC could pay his rent and expenses. Considering that his employer was Abacus, a temp agency, I doubt Mr. Carrington was earning enough to pay his child support or his rent.

    For those folks jammed up by this state-sanctioned piracy and easy income-generating module for fertile women, drug dealing is a reasonable way to generate income without the state of Maryland garnishing your hard-earned wages. As far as the mommies are concerned, if your bed-partner is already paying several hundred dollars a month to other women then quit piling on more court mandated support orders and drama. Legs shut or pay for the spawn yourself.

    Troy Manley #129 had the same problem, 3 kids, 3 baby mommas, 3 court-ordered support mandates, a life of drug dealing and now he's dead too.

    And we then wonder why we have so many drug dealers. It's a state-sanctioned Catch-22.

  2. Woah, so it's all the women's fault? Last I checked it took two to make a baby. Maybe Mr. Carrington should have thought about using condoms? Maybe we could focus on having freely available birth control for everyone?

    All that is beside the point. It takes two to make a baby, two should pay. And $184 is peanuts to what it takes to properly raise a child, jeez.

    There's a whole lot wrong with America, but I wouldn't start with the slut-shaming at the top.

  3. I could solve this problem real fast. Instead of giving $184 to baby momma, a dad could supply $184 worth of diapers, clothes, food and other child-related supplies. That way the child will have what it needs for a healthy lifestyle and baby momma wouldn't get one income-generating cent.

    If this program was implemented the birth rate in Maryland would plummet.

    This has nothing to do with slut-shaming. This has to do with using one's uterus to gain income and manipulate men. Just because I own a vagina doesn't mean for a minute I am on Team Mommy.

  4. Well that's pretty obvious, there, Cham. Pretty sure those mommies spend more than $184 - or $328, for that matter- per month on those kids. Even if supplies could be supplied and all the random stuff they need could be delivered there's services to be paid for - medical care and such. This is why we need comprehensive sex ed and why birth control should be free. And yes, if Mr Carrington resents coughing up that pittance, condoms are cheaper. A vasectomy's a bargain!

    1. And drug dealing does not actually pay that well- I'd refer you to the chapter in "Freakonomics," "why drug dealers live with their moms."

  5. Free birth control for everyone would be the best government policy we could have. But it wouldn't stop the court-mandated support order system. There are too many women that think baby-making is a great income opportunity and methodology to control the men in their life. These women won't be stopped until they can no longer turn babies into ATMs.

    I find it strange that men are expected to wear condoms but women can't find their way to the Walgreens to purchase inexpensive birth control. This is a massive double standard.

  6. Are you dating Jamal Lewis or something? Was talking about men because you were having a sad for them. Framing $184 a months for a kid as an income opportunity is hilariously bananas. Even if mom & dad are equally kicking in $184 each, that's $10 a day-- nearly impossible, even if said kid ate nothing but fast food, never got sick or went to the dentist and only wore hand-me-downs. The WSJ's lowest estimate for the cost of a kid is about $1,000 a month.

  7. It's not just the $184/month from baby daddy #1. Once one has the kid then it becomes like winning the lottery for somebody who has no education, a criminal history and no job prospects. There is the free/low-cost housing, the utility subsidies, the WIC, the Independence Card, the $150 computer, the $10 Internet, the $600 car, the health insurance, the free lunch at school for junior, the free school supplies. And it isn't just $184, it's $184 per baby daddy. So if you have 3 kids with 3 separate baby daddies, then it is $184.00 x 3. $184 to you doesn't sound like much, but it is gold when you are one of 5 kids in a two bedroom house and you are living in a basement.

    You'll notice that Lindale Carrington was also a child whole mother was petitioning LAC's daddy for child support back in 1996. This is a generational problem just like the drugs.

  8. First of all Cham, Mr. Carringtons Death had nothing to do with drug dealing or the petition for child support.
    Second of all, get your facts right about the situaion before you assume anyting.
    You wanna know the truth. He was proteting his family from being harrassed. And, it wasn't his daughter by blood it was his step daughter.
    The man was married.
    So Get your Stuff Straight and do some investigative reporting because things arn't always what they appear.
    How dare you Falsify information of the events that happened without seeking a source.
    You look at what's on record but have you talked to his family, friends co-workers.
    based on the bull***t you are posting heck know. Get the Whole story or don't blog about it at all.

  9. This is so SAD you people are so miserable death is serious & this bitch Cham talking bout shit thats irrelevant. Drug dealing or child support has nothing to do with nothing with this. Nobody knows the real story everyone knows what they are told. So its best to mind your business & respect the dead dumbass!

  10. It is sooo hilarious to demand respect while calling someone a dumbass.

    Gotta give it to get it, child. Learn that and you'll take a step up in the world.

  11. Sometimes all I have to do is sit back and watch opposing posters beautifully prove my point for me.

  12. The point is that American women who bear children have complete control over the political arena and media, to the point where their insistence on entitlements and freebies not only is bankrupting the government but is having a massive negative impact on the fathers of their children. These women are so self-entitled they feel they can insult and toss out personal accusations without fear of retribution.

    It's a very sad state of affairs.

  13. Er, yes, what with all the female presidents we've had, and all of those female media moguls. Or, wait, are you the self-entitled woman tossing out insults here? I'm confused.

  14. It's more like all the maternal voters who compromise much more than 50% of those who vote, and those same women that control 80% of all purchasing decisions. The politicians count on child-bearing women for votes which is why the courts and government favor the whims and desires of these women over the well-being of their children's fathers, and it is why the media, which is controlled by advertisers, view this segment of the female population so kindly.

  15. Cham, are you a men's rights activist or something? Women with kids is 15% of the electorate. Source:

    Second, you probably don't realize how obvious your hatred of at least a certain class of women is. I'm going to go ahead and assume that a good fraction of women getting preggers generally want good things for their kids. I'm also going to go with policies that protect the most important people here, the innocent kids that need a lot of support. Some of that should come from the guy who decided to risk knocking a girl up.

  16. Of course I'm a men's rights activist. When I see one group of people abused and fleeced by their own government to the point where they end up dead or incarcerated, just so another group can benefit I get very upset.

    Considering the abysmal state of children in US(fat, poor with low education levels), I don't think for a minute the US government cares one iota about the kids.

  17. In case anyone reading this is in doubt, MRAs ("Men's rights" activists") deserve nothing but disdain and ridicule for their absurd campaigns and martyrdom compexes. Here is someone that does it much better than I:

    Henceforth I will be ignoring commentary from Cham. It's not worth my time to argue with insane people.

  18. I forgot to add this:

    Seems appropriate. Over 50% you say?!

  19. If men are so "abused and fleeced" they'd have a higher rate of poverty than women under the conspiracy you're alleging (they don't). None of which has anything to do with Mr. Carrington or any of the other victims, and it sounds like Mr. Carrington was killed by his stepdaughter's boyfriend-- nothing to do with child support or whatever. But whoa, here's something some Google searching and JIS cross-referencing pulled up-- Carrington was charged with domestic violence in 2010 against one Tycina Richardson, and that same year Carrington and Richardson appeared on an episode of Divorce Court.

  20. Sure, men earn more money than women. That statistic would be for men that are able to get a job. Having a high school diploma, no criminal record and living in a place that has jobs helps.

    When you are stuck in Baltimore with no jobs, no education, a criminal history and 3 women chasing you down with support orders then one's enthusiasm for getting a legal job where wages can be garnished by the state diminishes.

    I also ignore all domestic violence charges. When the cops place charges during an intimate partner dispute, most of the time the charges are levied on men even though women are just as likely to behave violently.

  21. Wow, that Tycina Richardson is one unlucky lady. Not only did she levy domestic violence charges against Mr. Carrington, charges that were dropped because Ms. Richardson didn't bother to show up for court, but she is a plaintiff and complainant against three other hapless saps for assault and reckless endangerment: Jamal Speaks 4/97, Shatiareia Nutt 04/10 and Marshay Eady 04/10.

    But wait, there's more. Ms. Richardson knows the Maryland court system will work hard for her...via a Uniform Interstate Family Support Action against Knyjol Thompson in Harrisburg PA, 03/97.

  22. ... all I can say to that is ... (doesn't validate any of your wackadoodle arguments tho!)
