Friday, August 24, 2012

Flying pigs, drunken skunks, grounded rats

Could've sworn a few years ago the police dept. was so broke they were thinking of getting rid of the helicopters. But now they've got four spankin' new ghettobirds-- actually they're ghetto oiseaux , assembled in Marignane, France with various parts made in China, Singapore and Australia.

Alleged pimp Daniel O'Brien Burton, left, was arrested in SC. "Police say they searched Burton and his car and found a total of $14,888.04, both on his person and hidden in a purple Hennessy box in his trunk."

Wouldn't ordinarily care about a boat crash in Anne Arundel county, but this particular boat was the Legislator, crashed by hardcore homohater Del. Don Dwyer, who was drunk as a mutharfrackin skunk with a .20 -- more than twice the legal limit. The crash injured six, including four children, one who suffered a fractured skull. Dwyer is perhaps best known for trying to impeach Doug Gansler when he said he'd recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere and chestnuts like "if a law's not in concert with the laws of nature and of nature of God, and I would hold that, therefore, it is no law at all."

Speaking of old chestnuts, sounds like home invaders are using that "BGE worker" ruse again. Needless to say, get a peephole, use it, and don't open the door for anyone you aren't expecting.

Mitchell Courthouse employees protested unsanitary conditions today, which included "a dead rodent that was trapped between a window and Plexiglas in the office area ... their complaints to remove the rat were ignored until protestors took action ... someone finally removed it and put it in an employee's nearby trash can."


  1. I'm not surprised an anti-gay politician would blow a 0.2. CNN published a lengthy piece yesterday on how Tampa strip clubs expect to have a business boom during the Republican convention. The more conservative, women-hating, gay-hating, family-loving, pro-christian, liberal-hating the group, the more likely the members will enjoy some sin while on down-time. The strip clubs learned this during the 2001 Promise Keepers Convention. Hypocrites.

  2. Is it hypocrisy, or is it that people who lack personal self-control believe that everyone else is like them, so therefore a nanny state is necessary to control everyone's sex life? Similarly people who believe that homosexuality is a choice that will ruin heterosexual marriage are bisexual people working hard to fight their own urges to leave their families and run off with a same-sex spouse.

  3. You are on the right track about the lack of personal self-control when it comes to conservatives.

    A couple of years ago I stumbled upon the work of anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher. She divides all humans into four categories: Explorers, Negotiators, Directors and Builders. Every human can be pigeon-holed into one of the four groups, but I'm only going to discuss the Builder group on this post.

    The Builders like order, rules and guidelines. These are people that like regimentation and authority. They also like logic, traditions and loyalty. They comprise 19% of the population. You'll find Builders as accountants, military officers and police officers. You'll also find them as members of the conservative groups and the Republican Party. Colin Powell is an example of a Builder.

    Here's the rub with why Builders are Builders. They like rules and laws because they cannot figure out what is right and wrong on their own. This is why they quest for order. If there are a set of rules Builders can follow then their life becomes less problematic. So for example, you and I aren't pleased with the speed camera program and we'll be publicly vocal with our issues with it, where as a Builder will simply slow down to the speed limit around the camera and buy into the camera program because if the government says it is good then it must be good.

    Now this paragraph is my opinion. I suspect Don Dwyer, the Promise Keepers and delegates of the Republican convention to be Builders. Builders feel they must follow rules when they are in public but are less likely to adhere to them in private when no one is watching since their jobs and community stature aren't at stake. The other three personality groups are capable of determining right from wrong so they hold themselves to a much different standard because they don't want to let themselves down.

    A nanny state makes sense for a Builder, and Builders assume that since they have difficulty with critical thinking that so does everyone else. Because the bible says gays are bad, and the law says that a man and a man or a woman and a woman can't marry then the rules and traditions are correct and righteous. Voting on this and changing the law will set society in disarray and disarray for a Builder is confusing and stressful.

    Don Dwyer knew that pickling ones liver with alcohol while driving a boat with four kids on it is illegal, but he probably figured that if he got caught he'd tell the DNR boat patrol he was a delegate and their wouldn't be a problem. (Perhaps Don Dwyer has managed to fend off the DNR more than a few times before, and gotten away with it.) Delegate Dwyer' chasllenge was that he couldn't critically think out the consequences for when he caused a dangerous boating accident and injured four kids. He's probably very confused and distraught at the moment. He doesn't understand why his Republican friends have an issue with his behavior, afterall he's part of the Republican club and his Republican buddies should be defending him. Todd Akin has the very same issue. Todd Akin was merely supporting the Republican platform that there are different categories of rape. Todd Akin was incapable of understanding that there was an invisible line that the Republican Party shouldn't cross when badmouthing America's women. Rush Limbaugh is another one, he got confused with he called Sandra Fluke a slut when she started talking about medical needs for birth control pills. When it comes to conservative pundits, politicians and police officers we can expect them to behave badly when they think no one is watching.

  4. Interesting site, and interesting comments. I will be subscribing. Is there a post anywhere about the history of this blog, who runs it, etc? I just moved to Baltimore, so I am curious. :)

  5. Here's a backstory on the blog. Chris and Chuck have dropped off but I am still around. (Though much better looking than in the picture, hyuk)

  6. where did Chris and Chuck go?

  7. I think Chris is still mapping stuff - a BurgerSub map link is on the link list. Chuck got into doing good deeds, working with community health care. I don't know what became of Liz, hope she's ok.
