Thursday, September 7, 2006

September 7 Continues...

A man denied alcohol at J&H Liquors went nuts and threw a Molotov cocktail into the store.

Unlike the guys who de-Beemered Beckham in Spain (twice!), a local prospective carjacker was likely confounded by the 2006's keyless ingition system. Police are still searching for a suspect.

heroinOne-and-a-half federal years for selling 11 pounds of cocaine for Daniel Pellegrini. Twelve federal years for Michael Thomas for conspiracy to distibute heroin.

Kane: They call it the "Jessup Cut." (He is. so. down.)

Question for the ladies: what's worse, Schaefer's remarks, or how seriously Janet Owens took them? Whatever! Go Franchot!


Anonymous said...

the link for the Molotov cocktail is href="">here

Anonymous said...

pardon me, it's

Unknown said...

Schaefer: batshit? or trying to swing Franchot voters over to Owens so that the anti-Schaefer vote is split?
I hate it when batshit and crafty are indistinguishable.

Emptyman said...

I have nothing against crazy politicians per se, but Schaefer really has gone over the edge. Anyone hear him singing on WYPR this morning? Franchot all the way.

C Love "The Rap Addict" said...

How is it possible that he got so little time for being caught with so much. Thats some BS! sentencing is soooo not meaured