Sunday, June 21, 2009


Last Thursday's stabbing may have been gang-related

An officer from the Western was arrested and suspended after a "domestic incident" sent his wife to the hospital

What the?! "The Baltimore mayor's chief of staff and two other government officials sued an Ocean City Domino's pizza and related businesses for $30 million after employees at the beachfront pizzeria refused to serve them and allegedly imprisoned them in the restaurant"

"A long-running lawsuit involving a shady life insurance settlement company, a bevy of questionable insurance policies and a murdered porn shop owner has finally settled."

The BPD says FHB III's "minor medical issue" was dehydration, not exploding roids or anything horribly embarrassing like that


  1. Regarding "gang-related" incidents. Which factors enable a crime to be gang-related? How do a group a people become a "gang"? How many members does a group require to earn gang status? Are gangs registered with the state? Do they have 501C3 status? Where are there tax records? Do gangs have to file annual reports and have share holders meetings?

    Inquiring minds wish to know.

  2. Given how many gangs are in this city, It'd be a surprise to see many crimes that aren't connected to them.

    Question: Is there a typical protocol that determines whether the USDOJ or State's Attorney's office handles gang matters, or does Rod Rosenstein get pick of the litter, so to speak?

  3. If 2 people sit on a park bench together for more than 5 minutes I assume they can be considered a "gang". "Gangs" probably can be suspected of "hate crimes", another DOJ category that makes my eyes roll.

  4. The story about the lawsuit is pretty funny, too. 3 drunk, loud, obnoxious idiots, who all have cushy do-nothing government jobs, who are on a govt. funded retreat, and just came from a govt. funded party, are thrown out of a pizza joint at 1:30 AM for being drunk loud and obnoxious. And that's evidently worth millions of dollars to these parasites?

  5. The definition of a gang under the U.S. PATRIOT Act:
    any three or more persons congregating in public without the sanction of local, state, or national gov't can be considered hostile to national interests. These cosiderations are strictly at the discretion of the authority having jurisiction or any officially sanctioned governmental entities on hand.
    Before the War of Northern Aggression these rules were referred to as Slave Codes. After the war they became Black Codes. His Majesty's Royal Army enforced similar rules on the colonists of Colonial America. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND, TIS THE NATURE OF TYRANTS TO BE PARANOID.
