Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hextuple at Shirley's Honey Hole

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... not a word anywhere (beyond Twitter and SpotCrime) on the hextuple shooting last night. This is the most Baltimoreans shot in one incident since the blog began.
There have been some quintuple shootings:
December 28 2008 on the West side and May 2007 on Mt. Royal

UPDATE: story by Annie Linskey ID's the deceased as Edward Patterson, 39.


  1. Hextuple, damn, that a real word? I'm an educated man but I have to look it up. Good job in highlighting this stuff Marcie. Shamefully, if it wasn't for what is being done on blogs like yours, many would never hear of these things, nor would they add them up.

  2. Let's ask an honest question: were the shootings committed by African American / Black / black males? and don't play the race card. Just a guess here, but there is a serious violence problem in Baltimore that just won't go away in large part of the mental + emotional problems that the Afr. Am / Black / black male population is dealing with. Something ain't right with this ctiy's communities. Don't deny it. Fix it.

    AND...are speeder's really that big of a problem? I'd say inner city violence is more of a priority than catching a few speeders on I-83. Give me a break!

  3. I finally caught up with my homeless buddy on Friday after he had disappeared for awhile. I had heard a rumor that he was in jail but I got the skinny from him. It turns out he was arrested for panhandling. I've watched this guy and I have never seen him approach anyone for money, he sits quietly on a bench at the harbor with a cup. Since my homeless buddy is a bit on the stubborn side and doesn't have a bank account he sat in the lock-up for 30 days because he wasn't able to post his bail.

    Now, before all of you puff up and say, "serves him right", think about it. How much did that 30 day jail stint cost us? I have no idea how much the city jail costs us per person per inmate per day, maybe somebody can clue us in. My homeless buddy is back in his bag at the harbor, panhandling(?) during the day and socializing in the evening as always. Nothing has changed.

    Me, being the inquisitive gal that I am, couldn't help but ask a few pointed questions to our new army of boys in blue that occupy every single corner of the Inner harbor these days protecting the tourists from themselves. They informed me that there is a new "zero tolerance" policy down there. So everyone is now getting locked up for every single infraction. The three officers that were willing to talk to me were stationed at the harbor on Friday were with the city's canine unit. I have no idea where Fido was, I hope the puppies weren't sweltering a locked vehicle somewhere. The new harbor patrol is all-hands.

    So if you are a gang of rambunctious youths wishing to cause mayhem in this city, feel free. Go east, go west, go north or south, just don't go to the harbor because that is where all the cops are.

    Fortunately for me, maybe less fortunately for the tourists, I'm about to fire up the email machine and there is going to be some really nasty stuff flying around to the mayor's office and to the Commish probably on Monday. Somebody has to do something about this insanity.

  4. Insanity indeed. Now that I've been relegated to the ranks of a convicted criminal awaiting sentences, I am glad there are others who see this for what it is. My steady persistent voice of resistance is slowly being silenced.

    How ironic we have one of the most violent nights ever, just as we're redeploying so many cops to the harbor?

  5. I don't know what it is right now; but as of 2006 the Department of Prisons and Executions aka DOC was paid $40k USD per head per year prorated per fraction.
    The cost per head per year was $28k USD. Both of these figures have probably gone up by now, but the DOPE aka DOC definitely makes a profit at the expense of the productive segment of the population. ( I refuse to say tax payer. Pay and payment indicate voluntary action. Taxes are more akin to armed robbery and/or extortion. "Relinquish the fruits of your labor or we will kill you." The Mafia calls it "Protection".)

  6. At $40K per year that works out to $109.59 per day which sounds about right. Lonnie's little unscheduled vacation cost $3,207.67 and that's without the court fees. The prison operators make out, the judicial system makes out and so do the police officers (lots and lots of police officers) but who is getting the shaft? Lonnie is down at the harbor right now with his little cup.

  7. Well during my 30 days false imprisonment commitment to the Walter P. Carter Center, I made a point of interviewing as many staff members as possible.

    Per the Clinical director, Dr. Cohen, it costs in excess of $1000 per day.

    According to staffers, many "suspects" are sent there without any reasonable suspicious of mental illness. An evaluation order from a judge is a legal loophole to circumvent due process, bail, etc.

  8. Another friend of mine just did 90 days over at BBH. I don't know how much that costs, but once they were done with him they released him back into the community.....and onto a park bench. I don't know whether it did my friend any good, he's been into some seriously superior heroin lately so he hasn't sobered up long enough to tell me about his BBH experience. When/if he does I'll report back but my guess is that he's going to kill himself first.

  9. WJZ covered it....

  10. Tom Brown,

    They will never address THAT problem. They just talk around it by mentioning the "community" or "city youth".

  11. The mass shooting reminds me of a question I've asked myself lately: Is Baltimore more dangerous than Fallujah, Iraq? []

    I wonder... could a stat head figure out: is a young man (say 18-25) safer in Baltimore or in the infantry patrolling the streets of Iraq? My guess is the "casualty rate" is now higher here in Baltimore.

  12. Professor:

    At the height of the Iraq war I ran the numbers for downtown Baghdad and here. At the time, it was slightly more dangerous in Baghdad than Baltimore, but not by much. Considering the murder rate in this city has stayed steady and it has decreased in Iraq, I would say that it is more dangerous in Iraq now than in Baghdad.

    However, you must consider that there is a certain amount of news sexiness in Iraq and the murder rate in Baltimore is accepted and old news. In Baghdad we are busy waving the American flag, being patriotic, fighting for freedom (supposedly) and the people who are dying are whites, poor whites but still white and members of the military. In Baltimore those that are dying are blacks many who have not completed high school and many of have criminal records. In order to understand this country's priorities you have to swallow the fact there is a pecking order. All people are NOT created equal.
