Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chasing "johns"

A night on the "john" watch beat in Pigtown.


  1. The Sun reports that murders are up about 8%, while nonfatal shootings are said to be down 30%.

    Either someone's been logging in a lot of hours at the firing range to improve their aim, or something's not right here. Or are they just using more knives, etc.?

  2. Ouch! sorry to hear about progun progressive sassi:

    Conflicting views on how to solve Pigtown’s problems do little to deter Sassi.

    “I can’t stop -- I’ve lost my wife, a home,” he said, noting the personal toll his vigilance against drug dealers cost him.

    “But it pulls at my heartstrings. In Federal Hill, I’m just another white guy. Here, I’m a king among men,” he said.

    “Here, I can make a difference.”...

    I did predict a while ago in some blog (maybe this one) that being under seige to fight for your neighborhood takes a toll. People can't do it for too long before getting sick of it and leaving in disgust. You can't hate the place you call home. It appears that he's stuck it out, but the wife could not handle it. Too bad for him.

  3. Hey,
    That story's a little optimistic in re: how easy a person I am to live with :). It wasn't just the countless hours I spent chasing bad guys around Pigtown that lead us to separate (I am lousy with putting away Tupperware properly and putting the seat down) any event, we still are a couple in some odd way, we're just very modern--we went back to being an urban boyfriend girlfriend thing where we see each other here and there but live separately. I don't blame Pigtown too much...but yeah, it didn't help. It's a cool place to be young and single, but not where I'd recommend you try to start a family.

    In any event, don't worry too much about us...she supports my efforts fully and we're so far along now and so close to our goals (we have so much support from the city and the BPD compared to two years ago) that we're certainly not going anywhere now. BJW and the Washington Village Development Association is so much bigger than just me now, we have dozens of members and real support from the halls of power...we're here to stay :).
